CONNEX-AB-Delivery-System / DS-DeliveryTruck

Delivery System / Delivery Truck project. Codename: "T-800".
MIT License
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Delivery System / Delivery Truck project with Gradle

About this project

This repository stores a template project about Delivery Truck. You will use this project to get started and will add your developed software to this project.

Getting Started

To develop software you need following things:

To run software you need following things:

How to run your code on truck (when you have access to truck in Lab)

The project includes latest dependencies and an example ready to be deployed on Delivery Truck using the Delivery Truck library from CONNEX-AB-Delivery-System. The project includes some tasks to reduce the time to deploy on your robot.

Steps to connect to Truck: 1) switch on Truck and wait for OS to load 2) Check the IP of Truck (by default for this truck it should be - if not, update the file config.gradle):

remotes {
    ev3dev {
        host = '
        user = 'robot'
        password = 'maker'

3) Open Terminal or Command Line. Locate to Project file folder (use command cd ). 4) Connect your computer network to BTH (you don't need to login into this network, just connect). 5) Now you can use the Java IDE to launch the task or execute them from the terminal

./gradlew deployAndRun

5b) Some other tasks associated to deploy on your robot are:

About Delivery Truck



Documenatation of system

General information

LEGO brick is running on Debian-based operating system ev3dev: (for more info see ev3dev links).

And is programmed in JAVA: JAVA programms are deployed on brick by using Gradle, to see how it is done, follow this link: (also Git repo for example source code available here:


Exist several examples ready to use here:

Another Git repo for example source code available here:

In order to modify examples, current full APIs are:

You mostly will use EV3 Sensors in package: ev3dev.sensors.ev3
And classes: EV3ColorSensor, EV3IRSensor, EV3TouchSensor, EV3UltrasonicSensor
*note: we also will use custom LineReaderV2 class, documentation here: TODO: LINK

You mostly will use EV3 Motors in package:
And classes: EV3LargeRegulatedMotor, EV3MediumRegulatedMotor

Sensors and Motors

For ev3dev OS capabilities on EV3Brick and BrickPI3, you can read here:

You can learn about sensor capabilities here:

You can learn about sensor capabilities here:

Hint: value0 -> value(0) in Java.


If necessary, to set-up wifi, you can access robot through ssh and then use "connman", described here (Section: Connecting to an open access point):