COS420-Fall23 / Team-H

Team H's Project Repository; Problem: Supporting learning in augmented and virtual reality
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Sprint Backlog 3 #43

Open rgiles4 opened 8 months ago

rgiles4 commented 8 months ago

Sprint Backlog 3 (/5)

The comments from Deliverable 2 must be addressed.

For any comment that was not addressed, deduct -2 points.

Should reflect the product backlog. That is, all the user stories that are assigned to Sprint 2 in the product backlog, should be shown in the Sprint Backlog 2.

For any missing user story, deduct -2 points.

If the Sprint Backlog 2 does not reflect the product backlog, deduct -5 points.

You must have other technical tasks in your backlog otherwise -5.

You must have other tasks in the backlog, like documentation, requirements, UI mockups, etc. As covered in class sessions, these are called non-technical stories. Otherwise -5.

Sprint backlog must have accurate information about who did what % of the work. The sprint retrospective is a good time to fill that in, so you can see the difference between planned and actual effort.