COS420-Fall23 / Team-H

Team H's Project Repository; Problem: Supporting learning in augmented and virtual reality
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Application Update (Video) - Sprint 6 #49

Open rgiles4 opened 8 months ago

rgiles4 commented 8 months ago

You must upload a video to your team Discord channel in the COS420 Discord, from a synchronous team meeting/screenshare on Discord or Zoom, where each team member shares their screen showing the app working on their machine, to show that this has been set up and works for each team member. No video editing, one person on the team should record their screen continuously through the meeting (you can use the Zoom record meeting feature to do this easily).

Previous submission of the video counts if all team members were present

Your team’s short 1-6 minute video counts if all team members show they did some code and show the app running on their machine

If this is not present, -20 points.

For each team member not showing it works on their machine, -10 points

If you’re having trouble here, get help early and often by asking questions in the #question channel.