COS420-Fall23 / Team-H

Team H's Project Repository; Problem: Supporting learning in augmented and virtual reality
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Design pattern document #73

Open ZachWilliams83 opened 10 months ago

ZachWilliams83 commented 10 months ago

Add design pattern to Detailed Technical Design ( /10)

(10 points) Design document will include at least one example of applying a design pattern

(3 points)

1-2 paragraphs on how you used at least one design pattern in your design and explain/justify your design decision there

If the design patterns do not have a reasonable justification or the justification is not specific/matches the team’s application under the development, -3 points

(7 points)

Have a sub-diagram/excerpt of your DCD showing the design pattern

Design pattern excerpt should be an excerpt i.e. consistent with the project’s DCD (same names, types, etc); if not -5 points

Design pattern excerpt should show classes with their attributes, associations, methods, and types, and/or functions with parameters and types that would be representative of the system under development.

For any classes, attributes, association and methods that are missing or wrong, -2 points.

Remember from class that you can implement design patterns in a functional style also e.g. Strategy pattern via assigning a function to a variable

Next to that, insert the diagram that defines that design pattern from the lecture slides or from this website (example), and double check it’s actually following the pattern!

If missing, -7 points