COSC-499-W2023 / year-long-project-team-8

year-long-project-team-8 created by GitHub Classroom
3 stars 3 forks source link

PassThePlate (Team 8)- Joss White, Alexander Roizman, Mackenzie Kudrenecky, Brandon Mack

Local Development Backend Start-Up

  1. Clone repo
    git clone
  2. Navigate to project
    cd year-long-project-team-8
  3. Create a virtual environment in root
    python -m venv venv
    • Activate virtual environment
    • Windows:
    • Linux/Mac:
      source venv/bin/activate
  4. Navigate to drf directory
    cd app/drf
  5. Install backend dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Navigate to backend
    cd backend
  7. Create a .env file and add your EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD for SendGrid API key and SECRET_KEY for your Django project (Ask us what this is by emailing
  8. Run migrations to set up local DB
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  9. run server locally
    python runserver
  10. The backend server is now up and running and is ready for communication with the frontend server
    • to access Django Rest Framework web GUI, you may need
      python runserver
  11. Development server available at
  12. Upon setting up the environment, both frontend and backend servers can be launched with from project root with:
    • on Mac/Linux
      chmod +x

Production Backend Start-Up

How to run:

  1. Configure the front end, see frontend instructions and install expo go on the device, navigate to \app\drf\front-end and run:

    npx expo start
  2. Scan the QR code and pass those plates

Hosting and admin details

Local Development Front End

Production Font End

API Usage

HTTP Endpoints Action
POST /api/products Create a new product
GET /api/products Retrieve a list of all products
GET /api/products/?search=${query} Search for products with a query
GET /api/products/?categories=${categories} Filter products by category
GET /api/product/${productId} Get product details
PATCH /api/product/${productId} Update product details
DELETE /api/product/${productId} Delete a product
GET /api/products/?owner=${userId} Receive products linked to the owner
GET /api/users Get user list
POST /api/users Create a new user
GET /api/users/${userId} Get user details
PATCH /api/users/${userId} Update user details
DELETE /api/users/${userId} Delete a user
GET /api/my-products Get user-owned products
GET /api/images Get images associated with a product
POST /api/reviews Submit a review
POST /api/token Validate login credentials and receive tokens
POST /api/token/verify Verify current tokens
POST /api/token/refresh Refresh access token
POST /api/auth/change-password Send password reset code
PATCH /api/save_posts Toggle saved post for user
GET /api/chat/list Get list of chat instances
GET /api/chat/${chatId} Get chat messages for chat instance
POST /api/chat/${chatId} Send chat messages for chat instance