COSC481W-2024Fall / MLite

A user-friendly ML platform that lets non-experts upload datasets, receive model suggestions, schedule training, and deploy models for real-time predictions
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Deployment - Deploy Rails App on AWS #11

Closed Mohammad4844 closed 1 month ago

Mohammad4844 commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a user, I would like to interact with the Rails application through the internet.


New and existing users looking to access the MLite.


Deployed application on the web that can be accessed from a url.

Business Value

Users can get to our app, use it, and interact with it.


  1. Set up Docker container for Rails
  2. Set up Rails production config and master key
  3. Deploy Rails app on AWS compute service
  4. Expose port/modify config for app to be accessible

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Tests