COSC481W-2024Fall / MLite

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MLite is a simplified machine learning platform designed to make building, training, and deploying models accessible for users without deep expertise in machine learning. Think of it as mini data scientist. Users can upload datasets and the app will give them analyses, they will receive automatic suggestions for the most suitable models, they can schedule training for these models with the option to deploy them for real-time predictions.

Team Members

Mohammad Arjamand Ali (team leader)

Hi, I'm Mohammad. I'm a senior at EMU studying Computer Science & Mathematics. I'm currently working for Truss as a Software Engineer and am working on a research project in NLP with transformers. My main areas of expertise are web dev with Ruby on Rails, machine learning, and AWS.

Ali Almadhagi

My name is Ali Almadhagi and I am 22 years old, I work in the quality testing team at Volkswagen Group of America, I am graduating this semester, my major is Computer Science, I like to play and watch soccer and other sports.

Brian Cong

Hello, Brian here 👋

I'm currently working at Liberty Robotics on fine tuning segmentation models; I'm also working on an AI detector algorithm in my spare time! I'm currently in the final year of my Bachelor's degree in computer science, and looking to begin my Master's degree once I finish!

Nicholas Fiori

Hello. I'm Nicholas Fiori. I am a 22-year-old applied computer science major graduating this semester. I love just about anything related to automotive subjects, from racing to new advances to wrenching on a car.

Ziad Sabri

I'm a computer science major graduation in the Winter 2025. I a currently work as an office manager at Eastern Michigan Housing and pursing a carrer in Data Enginering I like designing, constructing, maintaining and troubleshooting organization's data.

Team Policy

To Run

In order to run the docker image: Install docker

git clone

or use Github Desktop to clone the directory, then:

cd mlite
docker build -t mlite .
docker run -it -v ./src:/app/src mlite /bin/bash

Setting up Ruby on Rails & postgres

# for homebrew, ignore if u already have it
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

brew install postgresql@14
brew services start postgresql@14

brew install asdf
# add this to your .zshrc file
export PATH="$HOME/.asdf/shims:$PATH"

asdf plugin-add ruby
asdf plugin-add nodejs
asdf plugin-add yarn

asdf install ruby latest
asdf global ruby latest

asdf install nodejs latest
asdf global nodejs latest

asdf install yarn latest
asdf global yarn latest

# run these to make sure they are installed
ruby --version
node --version
yarn --version

gem install rails

rails -v