COSC481W-2024Fall / MLite

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Rails - Add pages & functionality for Deployments #5

Open Mohammad4844 opened 1 week ago

Mohammad4844 commented 1 week ago

User Story

As a user, I want to be able to see all my deployments and go to their pages. In the pages I want to infer from the model/use them [for this issue we will have dummy responses as in we will not be using a deployed model]. I'd like to also be able to rename deployments and stop deployments.


Users ready to deploy their trained models for predictions and wanting to see said predictions.


Model deployment functionality with input form for predictions to see.

Business Value

Enables practical use of trained models, delivering business insights.


  1. Define & run a Rails migration for the deployments table as defined by the database design in #2
  2. Generate Rails scaffold (boilerplate model, view, controller code) for deployments
  3. Modify backend code to define logic
  4. Modify frontend code to display data

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Tests