COSC481W-2024Fall / Project-Ghost

A game about networking and web-based development.
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Leaderboard Structure #42

Closed cspears8 closed 1 month ago

cspears8 commented 1 month ago

User Story

I would like to be able to see where I am on the leader board, and check high scores for the day, week, and all time.

Dark Souls Blood Marker Mario Maker Death Icon

Acceptance Tests

  1. There are icons which show up in game when the player is passing another player's high score
  2. Different icons for daily, weekly, and all time scores?

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Nate can implement art, this should just be the logic
sjiang1 commented 1 month ago

I moved this PBI to "Sprint Backlog". In the future, please don't forget to move the PBIs to Sprint Backlog.

sjiang1 commented 1 month ago

Based on the sprint planning meeting, the end date is Oct. 31? I updated the end date here. Please let me know if it's incorrect.
