COSC481W-2024Fall / Project-Ghost

A game about networking and web-based development.
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Leaderboard Structure #42

Open cspears8 opened 5 days ago

cspears8 commented 5 days ago

User Story

I would like to be able to see where I am on the leader board, and check high scores for the day, week, and all time.

Acceptance Tests

  1. There is an HTML element (maybe a table) that is shown below the game view when a user either gets put on the leader board, or they click the leader board option in the menu
  2. The table shows the top ten scores in the respective categories, if there are less than 10 scores they should be blank
  3. There are 3 different tabs in the table: daily, weekly, and all time
  4. Ties should be broken by the time the user got the score

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The leader board can just be an HTML table for now, we can implement the art later on
sjiang1 commented 12 hours ago

I moved this PBI to "Sprint Backlog". In the future, please don't forget to move the PBIs to Sprint Backlog.

sjiang1 commented 12 hours ago

Based on the sprint planning meeting, the end date is Oct. 31? I updated the end date here. Please let me know if it's incorrect.
