COSC481W-2024Fall / Project-Ghost

A game about networking and web-based development.
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Inspired by The Chrome Dinosaur Game Project-Ghost is an online, real-time, multiplayer endless runner game.

Team Policies


This game is maintained by Project-Ghost, which is made up of the tireless efforts of 4 exhausted students.

Nate Campbell - I am Nate Campbell and I'm 24 years old. I will be graduating in the spring and I am a computer science major. I love learning new things and seeking out the latest in technology. I'm great at adapting to change and I'm looking forward to a great semester!

Joy Poling - Hello, I’m a wife, mom, nurse, and student. I am very slowly working toward a bachelor's degree in computer science at EMU. I enjoy astronomy, electronics, DIY (or tinkering, as my husband calls it), knife throwing, sewing, lock sport, metal detecting, reading fiction, science, technology, and creativity in any medium. More and more these days, I find I prefer a nap over doing any of my hobbies.

Connor Spears - This is my last semester at EMU, I am a Computer Science Applied major and a Simulation, Animation, and Gaming minor. I have always wanted to be a game developer, but as I finish up schooling and the job market approaches I am being pushed more into normal software development, my specialization is in backend as well as UI programming. My preferred languages are C#, Java, and C++, but I am open to working in just about any language given the task. Outside of staring at a computer all day I like to travel and listen to music, I am always looking for new places and new music!

Mitchell Winkelman - I am 22 years old and am majoring in Computer Science at Eastern Michigan University, graduating in December of 2024. I like programming and learning all there is to know about it, especially in regards to open source, as well as most things with tech. I also like computer gaming and advancing my knowledge in larger program development.

A comprehensive list of all contributions can be found here.

Also, a special thanks to our instructor, Siyuan Jiang.