COVID-Weather / covid-environmental-factors

Analysis of COVID19 infection rates and their environmental conditions
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Environmental analysis of COVID-19 transmission rates


Repository structure

/scripts/ contains bash and python scripts for downloading ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis data and COVID-19 clinical data.

/data/ contains processed data and is a placeholder directory that holds raw data files too large to be version-controlled.

/notebooks/ contains the key python notebooks used for pre-processing, analysis, and plotting.

Notebook naming conventions

We use the following prefix conventions for naming notebooks:

Programming environment

The python packages necessary for running the python scripts and jupyter notebooks included here are listed in the environment.yml file. We recommend using conda to install these packages using the command:

conda env update -f environmental.yml

and activating the environment with

conda activate covid-weather

Downloading raw data

Downloading JHU CSSE COVID-19 epidemiological data

The /scripts/ script clones the JHU CSSE dataset into the /data/ folder.

Downloading ERA5 reanalysis data

Our scripts use the Climate Data Store (CDS) API and require an account. These instructions describe how to configure your account key and use the python app, which is installed via pip install cdsapi.

ERA5 documentation

Near-surface meterological variables in ERA5 (and quality-controlled bias corrected fields through 2018)

Some variables of interest:

Variable Units API name for python script
Altitude meters grid_point_altitude
Temperature Kelvin near_surface_air_temperature
Specific humidity kg water / kg air near_surface_specific_humidity
Pressure Pascals surface_air_pressure
Rainfall kg-meters^2 / s rainfall_flux

Instructions for computing the near-surface specific and relative humidities, which are not archived diagnostics, from the near-surface temperature, dew point temperature, and surface pressure.

Contributor guidelines

Contributors to this repository should use the following workflow to ease collaboration: 1) Fork the repository 2) Create a new branch with a name that reflects your intended contribution 3) Make local changes to your branch, following the repository structure and naming conventions 4) Add, commit, and push the local changes to your branch to your fork 5) Open a pull request and request review from a relevant co-contributor 6) Celebrate as your changes are approved by a reviewer and merged into the master branch!