Gestion de projet à la sauce CPNV-Info
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Note: This procedure explain only how to set up the site, not how to configure Laravel or create a server. If you want, you can use vagrant/homestead here is the link with the instructions: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/homestead#installation-and-setup Also note that the main web site is the "public" folder of the project not the root

Once this project is copy in your server, go to the project root and use the following command :cp .env.example .env. Don't forget to create the database and grant access to the user.

Create the database by default the name is GPNV Grant access to the user by default root with password root

Eventually, you can open the file .env and change the database name, password, etc. depends on your needs.

Composer is require for this project in order to install the project dependencies. If you wan to install it, please follow the instructions on : https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-linux-unix-osx Once it's installed, or hardly installed, use the command : composer install

After that, use the command : php artisan key:generate in order to generate the APP_KEY for the project.

And finally, use the command : php artisan migrate and php artisan db:seed for generating the database structure and adding the test data.

If you are on Linux os make sure that laravel has the necessary rights on the website directory

Server login

For SAML authentication work, your machine name (sc-c3XX-pcXX.cpnv.ch) must be referenced in the SAML server of the intranet. You need to put this on the SAML server :

$metadata['http://sc-c3XX-pcXX.cpnv.ch/saml2/metadata'] = array(
    'AssertionConsumerService' => 'http://sc-c3XX-pcXX.cpnv.ch/saml2/acs',
    'SingleLogoutService' => 'http://sc-c3XX-pcXX.cpnv.ch/saml2/sls',
    'NameIDFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent',
    'simplesaml.nameidattribute' => 'uid'

On your side, if you use Homestead, you must redirect host port 80 to virtual port 80 (in the homestead.yaml file) and in the.env file, you must change the parameter as such: HOST_URL=http://sc-c3XX-pcXX.cpnv.ch

After that, you can login in GPNV with your intranet account.

Local login

To use GPNV without login via SAML, you simply need to add this line in .env file :


If you don't specify any id, it won't change default login behavior. You still need to logout manually if the setting is removed.

Capistrano Deployment

Note: make sure you have the credentials to access the different services, and the right credentials in the .env file (DB_HOST, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, HOST_URL)

The website is hosted on swisscenter center. Here is the link for the managing panel: https://apanel.swisscenter.com/login



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