CPRyan / cellclockr

Streamline the analysis of associations between epigenetic clocks and immune cell composition across various exposures and contexts
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Calen Ryan, PhD and Will Marella, MPhil

Table of Contents


cellclockr is designed to streamline the analysis of associations between epigenetic clocks and immune cell composition across various exposures and contexts. It allows us to harmonize data products across studies without requiring our collaborators to share raw data.

The package supports data preparation, model fitting, and output generation, including stratified analyses and visualizations. It is built in R and relies on a minimal set of well-established packages to ensure broad compatibility.

This document supports the accompanying package. It guides users through the setup and requirements, provides instructions to run each included function, and displays example output.

If you would rather temporarily share your data and have us perform the analysis, please contact Calen Ryan (cpr2139\@cumc.columbia.edu), Will Marella (wm2530\@cumc.columbia.edu), or Dan Belsky (db3275\@cumc.columbia.edu).

Quick start installation

If you don't already have the devtools package installed, install it now


Load the library on your instance of R


Install the cellclockr package



Computational Requirements

This pipeline was constructed in R version 4.4.1 -- All versions 2023-06-16 or later should be compatible with the packages used.

An effort was made to minimize the use of unusual or uncommon packages. Nevertheless, the analysis relies on certain packages that must be installed prior to execution.

Please ensure these packages are installed prior to analysis.

Data Requirements

The analysis in the package requires a dataframe containing columns with the following information:


The package contains 8 core functions that can be used to generate many results from cells and clocks data.

?help windows are available for each function. To access them, run ?function_name for the given function. This help window will enumerate all of the arguments available for the function and their correct format. It will also provide a brief description and example use.


This function creates boxplots for cell types and a summary table of boxplot parameters for the entire dataset. If categorical variables are provided, the output will be stratified by levels in each categorical variable.


cell_boxplots <- stratified_boxplots_cells(
  highlighted_cell_types = NULL,
  categorical_variables = NULL,
  colors = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_plots = FALSE,
  save_summaries = FALSE

The example below uses default colors and is stratified by "Categorical Variable" which has two levels. "Neu" was selected as a highlighted cell type due to the difference in its scale relative to the other cell types.

If you are unhappy with the colors, you are able to add your own. You may wish to set your desired color palette at the beginning of your script. Then, you can add it easily by setting the colors argument equal to your defined palette (colors = my_color_palette).

Summaries are also saved if save_summaries=TRUE, and contain the basic quantities associated with each plot. The heading from this example would be structured as:

Cell Type Categorical Variable ymin lower middle upper ymax
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

These summaries are stored separately for each plot. So in this example, with a single categorical variable input, two plots and two summaries will be generated, if requested.

Since no output directory was provided (output_dir=NULL), two folders will be created in the current working directory to save the files, as was requested: cellclockR_output/Plots and cellclockR_output/Summaries for the plots and their respective summaries. Plots are saved as .png, summaries as .csv.


This function creates boxplots for clocks and a summary table of boxplot parameters for the entire dataset. If categorical variables are provided, the output will be stratified by levels in each categorical variable.


clock_boxplots <- stratified_boxplots_clocks(
  highlighted_clocks = NULL,
  categorical_variables = NULL,
  colors = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_plots = FALSE,
  save_summaries = FALSE

The example below contains the clock boxplot, stratified by the same two-level categorical variable, "Categorical Variable." Because the scale of DunedinPACE differs substantially from the other epigenetic clocks, it was included in highlighted_clocks to plot on a separate y-axis. The stratified plot is included below:

With save_summaries = FALSE and save_plots = FALSE, the output will not be saved. However, if you were to save a summary, it would contain the basic quantities associated with each plot, as it did for cells. The summary for each plot is stored separately. The heading from this example would be structured as:

Clock Type Categorical Variable ymin lower middle upper ymax
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

You may set only one of save_summaries and save_plots to TRUE if you are only interested in one or the other.


This function calculates R-squared values for the relationship between age and various cell type and clock measures, both with and without control covariates (Batch, Array, Plate, Row, Column etc.). It produces a table with the R2 values for a basic model (age only), a full model (age plus control covariates), and the difference between them (delta-R2).


result <- calculate_r2_w_age(
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_results = FALSE

If save_results = TRUE, a table will be saved in the specified output_dir in the cellclockR/Tables/ folder with the given format:

Cell_or_Clock_Outcome R2_with_age R2_w_age_and_control_covariates Delta_R2 n_obs
DunedinPACE 0.099 0.122 0.023 1795
PCGrimAge 0.887 0.905 0.018 1795
PCHorvath1 0.794 0.802 0.008 1795
PCPhenoAge 0.823 0.829 0.006 1795
Bas 0.000 0.001 0.002 1795
Bmem 0.001 0.001 -0.001 1795
... ... ... ... ...


This function calculates R-squared values for the relationship between user-defined control_covariates (Batch, Array, Plate, Row, Column etc.) and age-adjusted cell type and clock measures, both with and without the additional of user-defined continuous_variables. It produces a table with the R2 values for a basic model (control_covariates only), a full model (control_covariates plus continuous_variables), and the difference between them (delta-R2).


result <- calculate_delta_r2_for_continuous(
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_results = FALSE

If save_results = TRUE, a table will be saved in the specified output_dir in the cellclockR/Tables/ folder with the given format:

Cell_or_Clock_Outcome Continuous_Variable R2_no_continuous_variable R2_w_continuous_variable Delta_R2 n_obs
PCHorvath1_resids BMI 0.039 0.038 -0.001 1795
PCHorvath1_resids SES 0.039 0.038 0.000 1795
PCPhenoAge_resids BMI 0.034 0.033 0.000 1795
PCPhenoAge_resids SES 0.034 0.033 -0.001 1795
PCGrimAge_resids BMI 0.159 0.163 0.004 1795
PCGrimAge_resids SES 0.159 0.159 0.000 1795
... ... ... ... ... ...

In this instance, the continuous variables of interest were "BMI" and "SES".


This function performs regressions with each clock variable against each cell variable, including specified control covariates (e.g. Batch, Array, Plate, Row, Column etc.) and optionally stratified by the levels of specified categorical variables. It calculates the beta coefficients and Wald confidence intervals for each correlation.


result <- calculate_univariate_correlations(
  stratify_by = NULL,
  control_covariates = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_results = FALSE

If save_results = TRUE, a table will be saved in the specified output_dir in the cellclockR/Tables/ folder with the given format:

Clock_Variable Categorical_Variable Categorical_Level Cell_Variable Beta Lower_CI Upper_CI
PCPhenoAge_resids Sex 1 Bas_resids -0.372 -0.427 -0.317
PCPhenoAge_resids Sex 0 Bas_resids -0.135 -0.205 -0.066
PCPhenoAge_resids Sex 1 Bmem_resids 0.075 0.016 0.135
PCPhenoAge_resids Sex 0 Bmem_resids 0.085 0.015 0.155
PCPhenoAge_resids Sex 1 Bnv_resids -0.237 -0.294 -0.180
PCPhenoAge_resids Sex 0 Bnv_resids -0.183 -0.254 -0.112
... ... ... ... ... ...

In this instance, the categorical variable provided in stratify_by was "Sex".


This function calculates the change in R-squared (delta R2) when adding cell types to models predicting age-adjusted clock measures. It can stratify results by categorical variables and control for specified control_covariates (Batch, Array, Plate, Row, Column etc.).


result <- calculate_cell_clock_delta_r2(
  stratify_by = NULL,
  control_covariates = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_results = FALSE

If save_results = TRUE, a table will be saved in the specified output_dir in the cellclockR/Tables/ folder with the given format:

Clock_Variable Categorical_Variable Categorical_Level R2_no_cells R2_cells Delta_R2 n_obs
PCHorvath1_resids Full Dataset Full Dataset -0.001 0.235 0.235 1795
PCPhenoAge_resids Full Dataset Full Dataset -0.001 0.368 0.369 1795
PCGrimAge_resids Full Dataset Full Dataset -0.001 0.287 0.288 1795
DunedinPACE_resids Full Dataset Full Dataset -0.001 0.131 0.131 1795
PCHorvath1_resids Education 1 0.001 0.264 0.263 969
PCPhenoAge_resids Education 1 0.002 0.435 0.433 969
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

In this case, the first categorical variable provided in stratify_by was "Education".


This function calculates associations between categorical exposures and age-adjusted cell types or clock measures, optionally controlling for control covariates (Batch, Array, Plate, Row, Column etc.). The output provides the beta coefficients and Wald confidence intervals.


result <- exposure_cell_clock_associations(
  control_covariates = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_results = FALSE

If save_results = TRUE, a table will be saved in the specified output_dir in the cellclockR/Tables/ folder with the given format:

Cell_or_Clock Exposure Beta Lower_CI Upper_CI
PCHorvath1_resids Smoking -0.397 -0.488 -0.306
PCPhenoAge_resids Smoking -0.372 -0.463 -0.281
PCGrimAge_resids Smoking -0.802 -0.887 -0.717
DunedinPACE_resids Smoking -0.322 -0.414 -0.230
CD4nv_resids Smoking 0.601 0.513 0.690
Bas_resids Smoking 0.097 0.004 0.190
... ... ... ... ...

In this case, the exposure provided in categorical_variables provided was "Smoking".


This function calculates associations between categorical exposures and age-adjusted clock measures, both with and without adjusting for cell types. It optionally controls for additional control covariates (e.g. Batch, Array, Plate, Row, Column etc.). The output provides the beta coefficients and Wald confidence intervals.


result <- exposure_clock_association_with_without_cells(
  control_covariates = NULL,
  output_dir = NULL,
  save_results = FALSE

If save_results = TRUE, a table will be saved in the specified output_dir in the cellclockR/Tables/ folder with the given format:

Clock_Variable Exposure Beta_no_cells Lower_CI_no_cells Upper_CI_no_cells Beta_cells Lower_CI_cells Upper_CI_cells
PCHorvath1_resids Female -0.397 -0.488 -0.306 -0.304 -0.393 -0.215
PCPhenoAge_resids Female -0.372 -0.463 -0.281 -0.172 -0.253 -0.091
PCGrimAge_resids Female -0.802 -0.887 -0.717 -0.623 -0.705 -0.541
DunedinPACE_resids Female -0.322 -0.414 -0.230 -0.152 -0.247 -0.056
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

In this case, the exposure provided in categorical_variables provided was "Female".


For questions or inquiries regarding the package, please contact Calen Ryan (cpr2139@cumc.columbia.edu) or Will Marella (wm2530@cumc.columbia.edu).

You can also open an issue in the cellclockr GitHub repository