You need a g++ version > 3 and the associated g77 You need ~750 Mo of memory for the installation
1) You must have CLHEP and CFITSIO 3.006 installed If they are not installed, you should either intall them yourself or run which will automatically download and install in the proper way those 2 package in the External directory.
NOTE : You need gcc / g++ and some common tools to run properly the shell script.
2) Since CRPropa version 1.5 a root installation is needed. Hence, install root and set the proper pathes.
3) Rebuild the Makefile by calling: autoreconf -ivf
4) Run ./configure in the trunk/ directory. In particular you can use the following options: --prefix=PREFIX where the executable, libraries and various tables will be put after "make install". Default: /usr/local/ --with-cfitsio-include=DIR cfitsio library include files are in DIR. Default: trunk/External/cfitsio/include (as set when using --with-cfitsio-library=DIR cfitsio library file is in DIR. Default: trunk/External/cfitsio/lib (as set when using --with-clhep-path=DIR clhep-config binary is in DIR. Default: trunk/External/bin (as set when using
Remark: CRPropa is currently not compatible with gfortran 4.6. An older version should be used, gfortran 4.4 is known to work. In case gcc 4.6 is used, setting LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-as-needed" is required.
For Ubuntu 11.10 the following configure options have to be used (+install gfortran-4.4)
./configure CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -DUBUNTU" LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-as-needed" F77=gfortran-4.4
5) Start the bash script in the trunk/ folder to download and install the photo disintegration data package via: ./
6) Run "make" in the trunk/ directory. This will run the Makefiles in the various subdirectories.
7) Run "make install" in the trunk/ directory.
8) Tests: go to $(datadir)/examples/GettingStarted and call $(bindir)/CRPropa source1d.xml ... You can then play with the various configuration files (sourced.xml, trajd.xml).
examples/GettingStarted/: simple XML configuration files and associated density and magnetic field files to run tests Note that the magnetic grid that is given (smallB.fits) is a simple subgrid to test the code, and in particular it does not have periodic boundary conditions.
External: external packages, ie. TinyXML
dint: the DINT package (written in C) sophia: the SOPHIA package (written in Fortran) src: the CRPropa package
doc: the user guide and Doxyfile
The CRPropa2.0 manual is available in doc/UserGuide.pdf.
A doxygen documentation cam be generated in the doc/html subdirectory by "make" if you have doxygen installed. We recommend doxygen- or later versions.
Command line help with the man command is available if you set MANPATH=$MANPATH:$(mandir) where $(mandir) is $(prefix)/man by default.