CS-440-Fall-20 / HW1

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Homework I - Foundations I

CS 440 Computer Graphics, Fall 2020


Our eventual display medium is an image which comprises of pixels, each represented by a color value. Color can be represented using various schemes. We also like to render pretty pictures, especially if they have elegant mathematical descriptions.


For this assignment, you should

The Problem Set

The problems are in hw1.tex which is to be compiled using a LaTeX compiler.


Grading will be as per the criteria specified in the accompanying file, rubric.csv, which will be shared shortly.


There are 3 parts to this assignment.

1.1 Solving the Problem Set

The provided file myimage.py is to imported into a file, hw1.py in which you will write the required functions indicated in the problem set. Each problem specifies the name of the function to write for it. Please make sure your submitted functions have the indicated names. The file hw1.py in your GitHub repository at the time of the deadline will be considered your submission. As your submission will be graded by your peers, please do not include identifying information in it.

Deadline: 18h on Friday, 11 September

1.2 Feedback

You will provide feedback on your teammate and on the assignment. Related instructions will be shared shortly through LMS.

1.3 Peer Review

You will review and grade 2 submissions which will be shared with you. Related instructions will be shared shortly through LMS.


Please use the following avenues: