VIP plugin designed to work with CSS framework on cs2 servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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VIP-Plugin is a simple plugin designed for CS2 server owners, enabling them to establish VIP groups through the CSS Permission system for authentication.




  1. Download the latest release
  2. Unzip the package and upload files to csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins


Upon the first launch, the VIP-Plugin.json file will be automatically created in csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/VIP-Plugin ``` { "Settings": { "Prefix": "{lightred}VIP " // // Text displayed before plugin's chat messages "Database": { "Enabled": false, // disabling this will deactivate all features reliant on the database "SqlServer": { "host": "www.site.com", "port": 3306, "database": "vip-plugin", "username": "user", "password": "password" } }, "DatabaseVipsConfig": { "Enabled": false, "Commands": { "css_vp_service_enable": { "Enabled": true }, "css_vp_service_disable": { "Enabled": true }, "css_vp_service_delete": { "Enabled": true }, "css_vp_service_info": { "Enabled": true }, "css_vp_player_info": { "Enabled": true }, "css_vp_player_addflags": { "Enabled": true }, "css_vp_player_addgroup ": { "Enabled": true } } } }, "VIPGroups": [ { "Permissions": "@vip-plugin/vip", // CSS permission required for this VIP group "Priority": 1, // if a player has multiple groups, one with higher priority will be chosen "UniqueId": "vip1", // used for storing services in DB, must be unique "Name": "VIP", // Name of the VIP group "Events": { "Spawn": {// Bonuses given to VIPs upon spawn "HP": 105, // Player's HP "ArmorValue": 100, // Armor value (0 = no armor) "Helmet": true, // Whether to give a helmet "HelmetOnPistolRound": false, // Give helmet on pistol round? "DefuseKit": true, // Give defuse kit? "Zeus": true, // Give Zeus x27? "ZeusOnPistolRound": true, // Give Zeus on pistol round? "HealthshotAmount": 1, // Number of healthshots "HealthshotOnPistolRound": true, // Give healthshot on pistol round? "ExtraMoney": 2000, // Bonus money "ExtraMoneyOnPistolRound": false, // Give extra money on pistol round? "Grenades": { // Grenade amounts(0 = don't give) "Smoke": 1, "HE": 1, "Flashbang": 1, "FireGrenade": 1, "Decoy": 0 } }, "Kill": { // Rewards for kills "HP": 2, // HP gained on normal kill "HeadshotHP": 3, // HP gained on headshot kill "Money": 200, // Money for normal kill "HeadshotMoney": 300 // Money for headshot kill }, "Bomb": { // Rewards for bomb interactions "PlantMoney": 500, // Money for planting the bomb "DefuseMoney": 500 // Money for defusing the bomb }, "Round": { // Rewards based on round outcome "WinMoney": 1000, // Money for winning a round "LoseMoney": 0 // Money for losing a round } }, "Limits": { "MaxHP": 120, // Maximum health "MaxMoney": 16000 // Maximum money }, "Misc": { "ExtraJumps": { // Extra jump options "Amount": 0, // Number of extra jumps (0 = disabled, 1 = double jump etc.) "VelocityZ": 260, // Jump height "NoFallDamage": true // // Disable fall damage after extra jumps }, "Bhop": { "Enabled": false, "VelocityZ": 260, // the height of a jump }, "Smoke": { "Enabled": false, // Enable colored smoke "Type": 0, // 0 = Fixed color, 1 = Random color "Color": "#FF0000" // Smoke color in hex code }, "HealthRegen": { "Enabled": false, "Interval": 5, // add HP every 'Interval" "Delay": 5, // delay after round start "Amount": 5 // amount of HP, limited by Limits.MaxHp }, "ArmorRegen": { "Enabled": false, "Interval": 5, // add Armor every 'Interval" "Delay": 5, // delay after round start "Amount": 5 // amount of Armor, limited by 100 }, "FastPlant": { "Enabled": false, "Modifier": 0.5, // 1 = normal speed, 0.5 = 50% faster, 0.1 = 10% of the normal speed required etc. "TimeAfterRoundStart" : 0 // time after round start for the feature to start working }, "FastDefuse": { "Enabled": false, "Modifier": 1, // 1 = normal speed, 0.5 = 50% faster, 0.1 = 10% of the normal speed required etc. "TimeAfterRoundStart" : 0 // time after round start for the feature to start working }, "NoFallDamageGlobal": false, // Disable fall damage globally for the VIP group "Gravity": 1, // Gravity level (1 = normal) "Speed": 1 // Movement speed multiplier (1 = normal, 1.05 = 5 % faster) }, "Messages": { "Chat": { "Connect": { "Enabled": true, "Message": "{darkred}VIP {default}{playername} joined the server", "DontBroadcast": true // Hide default connect message }, "Disconnect": { "Enabled": true, "Message": "{darkred}VIP {default}{playername} left the server", "DontBroadcast": true // Hide default disconnect message } } } } ], "RandomVIP": { "Enabled ": false, "AfterRound ": 3, // Round after which to choose a VIP "MinimumPlayers ": 2, // Minimum players required "RepeatPickingMessage": 3, // repeat the 'picking random vip' message "PermissionsGranted ": [], // List of CSS permissions "PermissionExclude": [] // Exclude players with these permissions }, "NightVIP": { "Enabled": false, "StartHour": 22, // The hours can be 8-22 or 22-8(which mean from 22 to 24 and 00 to 08) "EndHour": 8, "RequiredNickPhrase": "YourSite.com", // Required nickname phrase(empty = pass) "RequiredScoreboardTag": "YourSite.com", // Required scoreboard tag(empty = pass) "PermissionsGranted ": [], // List of CSS permissions "PermissionExclude": [] // Exclude players with these permissions }, "ConfigVersion": 1 } ```


css_vp_service_enable Set the availability status of a service to **Enabled**. - ``: The ID of the service to enable. **Syntax**: `css_vp_service_enable ` **Example**: `css_vp_service_enable 1`
css_vp_service_disable Set the availability status of a service to **Disabled**. - ``: The ID of the service to disable. **Syntax**: `css_vp_service_disable ` **Example**: `css_vp_service_disable 2`
css_vp_service_delete Delete a service. - ``: The ID of the service to delete. **Syntax**: `css_vp_service_delete ` **Example**: `css_vp_service_delete 3`
css_vp_service_info View detailed information about a service. - ``: The ID of the service to get information about. **Syntax**: `css_vp_service_info ` **Example**: `css_vp_service_info 4`
css_vp_player_info Get information about a player. - ``: The Steam ID of the player to retrieve information for. **Syntax**: `css_vp_player_info ` **Example**: `css_vp_player_info 76561198012345678`
css_vp_player_addflags Add flags to a player for a specified duration. - ``: The Steam ID of the player to add flags to. - ``: Duration in minutes for which the flags will be active. - ` ...`: Flags to add to the player. **Syntax**: `css_vp_player_addflags ...` **Example**: `css_vp_player_addflags 76561198012345678 30 @css/root @vip-plugin/vip`
css_vp_player_addgroup Add a group to a player for a specified duration. - ``: The Steam ID of the player to add the group to. - ``: Duration in minutes for which the group will be active. - ``: The Unique ID of the group to add. **Syntax**: `css_vp_player_addgroup ` **Example**: `css_vp_player_addgroup 76561198012345678 60 vip1`