CS-NextClient / NextClientServerApi

NextClientServerApi is an amxmodx module that provides an API to interact with Counter-Strike 1.6 NextClient.
MIT License
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NextClientServerApi is an amxmodx module that provides an API to interact with Counter-Strike 1.6 NextClient.

See API functions in next_client_api.inc.


Coming soon:

Since NextClientServerApi 1.4.0 we introduced a verification method for players playing with nextclient by using ncl_is_using_nextclient native and some RSA public keys which should be installed on the server to make verification work.
The verification process is carried out only by nextclient since version 2.3.0, where support for the new client-server protocol was introduced. For earlier versions, it is unfortunately impossible to reliably determine whether a player uses nextclient.
Here is an example of using verification to provide access flags for players playing with updated nextclient:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <next_client_api>

new const VIP_FLAGS[] = "f"; // the vip flags we are providing

public ncl_client_api_ready(id) { // Check that the player has verified nextclient if(ncl_is_using_nextclient(id) == NCL_USING_VERIFICATED) set_user_flags(id, read_flags(VIP_FLAGS)); }

# NextClient specific cvars

| Cvar name | Default value | Available in sandbox | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| viewmodel_disable_shift | 0 | Yes | Disable viewmodel shifting (when you looking up or down). |
| viewmodel_offset_x | 0 | Yes |  |
| viewmodel_offset_y | 0 | Yes |  |
| viewmodel_offset_z | 0 | Yes |  |
| viewmodel_fov | 90 | No | Min: 70<br/>Max: 100 |
| cl_crosshair_type | 0 | Yes | Crosshair type. 0 - crosshair, 1 - T-shaped, 2 - circle, 3 - dot. |
| cl_bobstyle | 0 | Yes | 0 for default bob, 1 for old style bob and 2 for CS:GO style bob. |
| cl_bobamt_vert | 0\.13 | Yes | Vertical scale for CS:GO style bob. |
| cl_bobamt_lat | 0\.32 | Yes | Lateral scale for CS:GO style bob. |
| cl_bob_lower_amt | 8 | Yes | Specifies how much the viewmodel moves inwards for CS:GO style bob. |
| cl_rollangle | 0 | Yes | Screen roll angle when strafing or looking (Quake effect). |
| cl_rollspeed | 200 | Yes | Screen roll speed when strafing or looking (Quake effect). |
| viewmodel_lag_scale | 0 | Yes | The value of the lag of the viewmodel from the crosshair (CS:GO effect). |
| viewmodel_lag_speed | 8 | Yes | The speed of the viewmodel following the crosshair (CS:GO effect). |
| fov_horplus | 0 | No | Enables Hor+ scaling for FOV. Fixes the FOV when playing with aspect ratios besides 4:3. |
| fov_angle | 90 | No (use ncl_setfov instead) | Min: 70<br/>Max: 100 |
| fov_lerp | 0 | No (use ncl_setfov instead) | FOV interpolation time in seconds. |
| hud_deathnotice_max | 5 | No | The maximum number of killfeed entries that can be displayed. |
| hud_deathnotice_old | 0 | No | Enable the old style of killfeed. |

## Building

Building NextClientServerApi requires CMake 3.10+ and GCC or MSVC compiler with C++11 support. Tested compilers are:

* GCC 9.4.0
* MSVC 2019

Building the library is done using CMake. You can run the CMake GUI to configure the library or use the command line:

mkdir Release cd Release cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build .. --target nextclientapi_amxx