Authors: Kevin Qu, Wesley Fan, Haolin Liu, Tiffany Wang
A web app that saves students’ schedule information into an easy-to-read schedule and gathers parking lot occupancy each hour during weekdays to display an occupancy forecast. The project is important to us because as college students we need to be organized as we need to drive to school for classes, discussions, exams, etc. Students who use this program would be able to stay organized and thus be able to keep their focus on their eductation. It will be interesting to see how to develop new features from a user's perspective. The languages/tools/technologies we plan to use are:
- Dashboard for this app, displays links to pages
- Login page for users
- Registration page for users
- Displays courses in order for each day of the week
- Allows users to add courses to their schedule
- Allows users to delete added schedule from the courses list
URL | Method | Permission | Request Params | Responses | Description |
/api/check_session | GET | 0 | - | yes /no |
Returns yes or no, if the user is logged in |
/api/login.php | POST | 0 | name, password | logged_in / error_msg |
Returns logged_in on success and error message if failed |
/api/register.php | POST | 0 | name, password | success /error_msg |
Returns success on success and error message if failed. |
/api/get_schedule.php | GET | 0 | - | courses_gzipped | Returns gzipped course informations in JSON |
/api/save_schedule.php | POST | 0 | sh | success |
Saves Gzipped courses into JSON database returns success if saved correctly |
/api/get_users.php | GET | 1 | - | users_JSON | Returns all usernames in the database. |
/api/remove_user.php | GET | 1 | username | success / Unauthorized | Deletes username by given username. Returns Unauthorized if user does not have sufficient permission |
/api/change_password.php | GET | 1 | username, password | Operation Success / Unauthorized | Changes a user's password. Returns Unauthorized if user does not have 1+ permission or insufficient permission to change a username's password. |
/api/change_permission.php | GET | 1 | username,perm | Operation Success / Unauthorized | Changes a user's permission. Returns Unauthorized if user have insufficient permission to change a username's password. |
/api/admin_get_schedule.php | GET | 1 | username | Operation Success / Unauthorized | Get user's schedule gzipped hash, returns Unauthorized if permission <=0 |
/api/admin_save_schedule.php | GET | 1 | username, sh | success / Unauthorized | Saves a gzipped hash schedule information to specific username, returns Unauthorized if permission <=0 |
is regular user,1
is Admin,2
is Super AdminScreenshots
pip install -r requirements.txt
gunicorn main:app -b IP:PORT