CS2031-DBP / proyecto-backend-mure

Source code for the backend of the Mure project, developed with Java and Spring Boot 🌱
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mure: Share Your Music Taste 🎧 🎢

Mure, the winner of the Berners Lee Award 2024-1 for the UTEC course Platform-Based Development (CS2031), is a platform designed for users to share their music preferences with friends and followers. With Mure, you can create and share posts, playlists, and explore music content πŸŽ™οΈ.

This repository contains the source code for the backend of the project, developed with Java and Spring Boot 🌱. For the frontend and mobile application, please refer to the following repositories:

Project Members 🀝

Name GitHub User Email
Joaquin Salinas joaquinsalinas06 joaquin.salinas@utec.edu.pe
Guillermo Galvez KarTaGo124 jose.galvez.p@utec.edu.pe
Alejandro Escobar AlejandroEN alejandro.escobar@utec.edu.pe

Prerequisites πŸ”§

Before setting up the project, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

Getting Started πŸš€

To set up the project on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository

    Open your terminal and clone the repository using the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/CS2031-DBP/proyecto-backend-mure
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory

    Change to the project directory:

    cd proyecto-backend-mure
  3. Open the Project in Your Preferred IDE

    Preferably use IntelliJ IDEA for this project. Launch IntelliJ IDEA, click on "Open", and select the project directory you just cloned.

  4. Run the Application

    Run the MureApplication class to start the application. IntelliJ will automatically handle the dependencies as specified in the pom.xml file since the project uses Maven.

  5. Set Up the Database

    Ensure you have Docker installed on your machine. Then, run the following command to start the PostgreSQL database using Docker:

    docker-compose up

    Here is the Docker configuration for reference:

       image: postgres:latest
       container_name: proyecto-backend-mure-dev
       restart: always
         POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
         POSTGRES_DB: database
         - "5433:5432"
  6. Populate the Database

    After running the application, execute the .bat script located in the scripts folder to populate the database.

Following these steps will set up the Mure project on your local machine, allowing you to explore and develop further.

Entity-Relationship Diagram

ER Diagram

Endpoints πŸ›£οΈ

Album 🎡

Method Endpoint Description
GET /album/{id} Get an album by its ID.
GET /album/artist/{artistId} Get albums by artist ID.
GET /album/artistName Get albums by artist name.
GET /album/all Get all albums.
GET /album/title Get an album by its title.
GET /album/liked/{albumId}/{userId} Check if an album is liked by a user.
POST /album Create one or more albums.
PATCH /album/{id} Update an album by its ID.
PATCH /album/dislike/{id} Dislike an album.
PATCH /album/like/{id} Like an album.
DELETE /album/{id} Delete an album by its ID.

Artists 🎀

Method Endpoint Description
GET /artist/{id} Get an artist by their ID.
GET /artist/all Get all artists.
GET /artist/name Get an artist by their name.
GET /artist/verified Get all verified artists.
GET /artist/songTitle Get artists by song title.
GET /artist/songs/{songId} Get artists by song ID.
POST /artist Create one or more artists.
PATCH /artist/{id} Update an artist by their ID.
DELETE /artist/{id} Delete an artist by their ID.

Authentication πŸ”

Method Endpoint Description
POST /auth/login Log in with an existing user.
POST /auth/signin Register a new user.
POST /auth/verify-password Verify a user's password.
POST /auth/google Validate Google authentication token.

Comments πŸ’¬

Method Endpoint Description
GET /comments/post/{postId} Get comments by post ID with pagination.
POST /comments Create a new comment.
DELETE /comments/{commentId} Delete a comment by its ID.

Playlists πŸ“‹

Method Endpoint Description Data Type
GET /playlist/{id} Get a playlist by its ID.
GET /playlist/name Get a playlist by its name.
GET /playlist/user/{id} Get playlists by user ID.
GET /playlist/me Get current user's playlists.
GET /playlist/all Get all playlists.
POST /playlist Create one or more playlists.
POST /playlist/image Create a playlist with an image. Multipart
PATCH /playlist/{id}/addSong/{songId} Add a song to a playlist.
PATCH /playlist/{id}/removeSong/{songId} Remove a song from a playlist.
PATCH /playlist Update playlist name and image. Multipart
DELETE /playlist/{id} Delete a playlist by its ID.

Posts πŸ“

Method Endpoint Description Data Type
GET /post/{id} Get a post by its ID.
GET /post/user/{userId} Get posts by user ID.
GET /post/me Get current user's posts.
GET /post/all Get all posts.
GET /post/song/{songId} Get posts related to a song by its ID.
GET /post/album/{albumId} Get posts related to an album by its ID.
POST /post Create one or more posts. Multipart
POST /post/many Create multiple posts.
PATCH /post/media/{id} Update the multimedia content of a post.
PATCH /post/content/{id} Update the content of a post (related song and/or album).
PATCH /post/like/{id} Update the number of likes of a post.
PATCH /post/dislike/{id} Update the number of dislikes of a post.
DELETE /post/{id} Delete a post by its ID.

Songs 🎢

Method Endpoint Description
GET /songs/{id} Get a song by its ID.
GET /songs/title Get a song by its title.
GET /songs/genre Get songs by genre.
GET /songs/artist/{artistId} Get songs by artist ID.
GET /songs/artistName Get songs by artist name.
GET /songs/album/{albumId} Get songs by album ID.
GET /songs/all Get all songs.
POST /songs Create one or more songs.
PATCH /songs/{id}/coverImage Update the cover image of a song.
DELETE /songs/{id} Delete a song by its ID.

Stories πŸ“–

Method Endpoint Description
GET /story/{id} Get a story by its ID.
GET /story/user/{userId} Get stories by user ID.
GET /story/me Get current user's stories.
GET /story/all Get all stories.
GET /story/song/{songId} Get stories related to a song by its ID.
POST /story Create one or more stories.
DELETE /story/{id} Delete a story by its ID.

Users πŸ‘€

Method Endpoint Description Data Type
GET /user/me Get basic information of the current user.
GET /user/{id} Get basic information of a user by their ID.
GET /user/all Get basic information of all users.
GET /user/friends/me Get friends of the current user.
GET /user/friends/{id} Get friends of a user by their ID.
GET /user/favoriteAlbums/{id} Get favorite albums of a user by their ID.
GET /user/favoriteSongs/{id} Get favorite songs of a user by their ID.
GET /user/me/friends/{id} Check if a user is a friend of the current user.
POST /user/expo-token/{userId} Register the Expo token for a user.
PATCH /user/update/me Update the information of the current user. Multipart
PATCH /user/friends/add/{friendId} Add a friend to the current user.
PATCH /user/friends/remove/{friendId} Remove a friend from the current user.
DELETE /user/{id} Delete a user by their ID.

Acknowledgments 🫢

We would like to thank everyone who supported the project by testing it and providing valuable feedback. Special thanks to our professor, Jorge Rios, whose guidance and encouragement were crucial to the successful development of this project πŸ—£οΈ πŸ™Œ

License πŸ“„

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.