CS2103-AY1819S2-W09-2 / main

The essential application that all hospital staff :woman_health_worker::man_health_worker: and home care patients need :hospital:!
MIT License
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= HealthHub

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== Why HealthHub?

“Based on trends, if we project into 2050, even with immigration, the population pyramid will be inverted ... We are going to be growing old faster than any society in the world.” -Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore

With the number of elderly slated to reach 900,000 by 2030, it is no surprise that the resources to meet the healthcare demands of the nation are being stretched thin. Even today, it is getting harder and harder to have healthcare professionals come down to our homes to tend to the elderly, on top of their already burgeoning workload in their workplaces.

Luckily, we now have HealthHub

HealthHub is the first centralized healthcare platform on the market which allows for healthcare professionals (in the form of doctors and nurses) and qualified individuals from the community to tend to the needs of elderly at their own homes. With a dedicated core administrative team, HealthHub intends to match skilled individuals to their respective jobs efficiently and effectively.

== Target Group

HealthHub is looking at 2 large groups of target users.

** The elderly needing help at home and

** Guardians of the elderly requiring additional healthcare at home

== Site Map

== Acknowledgements

== Licence : link:LICENSE[MIT]