CS3398-Badoons-Ciao / CS3398-Badoons-F2019

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Grade Manager


Our team built a desktop application for students to assist them in tracking academic performance.


Welcome to the project. We are students who took CS 3398 - Software Engineering at Texas State University. Our application is aimed for students of all grade levels who are seeking a user friendly solution for grade management. This app allows students to save course information and simplifies grade calculation using a friendly user interface.

Table of contents

Sprint 3 Project Status

Model is implemented, including student data, operations on that data, and data persistence via class serialization to file. User can export data to Excel. Log-in, Account Creation, Main Menu, Options Menu, Courses Overview, and Course Scenes complete. Assignment grades, Category w/ Weight grade, Course grade, GPA w/ Credit Hours display and update correctly. UI/UX is improved - Scenes are centered, resize correctly, and have improved structure. User can update primary and secondary background colors using Color Picker. Next Steps:

Sprint 3 Features


How to run