CS4224-Claps / project

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  1. The nodes can communicate with each other with passwordless ssh, i.e. you can do ssh nodeB from nodeA without any password. One way to set this up is by running the following from nodeA.
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519
    cp ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  2. CockroachDB and Cassandra is installed in your local node (temp folder) and they are accessible in your PATH. If that's not the case you can add this lines to ~/.bashrc
    export CASSANDRA_HOME=/temp/path/to/cassandra
    export COCKROACHDB_HOME=/temp/path/to/cockroach/db
  3. You are able to install python packages. We use pyenv.
  4. Download dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. The nodes has access to nohup
  6. Set the configuration options following the example given in config.json.example. The name of the keys should be self-explanatory.
  7. Make sure you are in one of the nodes (you might need to change the code manually if you mistakenly run this in a wrong node). Run ./setup.sh once. This will create a HOSTNAME in the root folder.


Database Setup

  1. For each host, add the associated cassandra.yaml from the files in cassandra/conf

For example, cassandra-xcnd35.yaml should belong under the server xcnd35, which should be located under the file $CASSANDRA_HOME/conf/cassandra.yaml. The same applies for the servers xcnd36 to xcnd39.

  1. Once done, run $CASSANDRA_HOME/bin/cassandra

Note: These are also under the assumption that you have set the alias for CASSANDRA_HOME and that you have your 5 hosts setup, else the command would fail.

Note: Alternativel, you can specify the configuration folder using: $CASSANDRA_HOME/bin/cassandra -D cassandra.config=$CASSANDRA_HOME/conf, where you specify the configuration folder above.

Seeding the database

  1. Run python cassandra/setup.py [--schema SCHEMA_FILE] [--seed SEED_DIR]. By default, the schema files can be found at cassandra/schema folder

The following gives more information about the command line options for the cassandra setup script:

usage: setup.py [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--schema SCHEMA] [--seed SEED_DIR]

Parse input file and output file dest

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE   connection config file. defaults to config.json
  --schema SCHEMA  schema file to run (default to: cassandra/schema/schema.cql)
  --seed SEED_DIR  directory for seed file (default to: ../seed/data_files/)

It should take 5 - 10 minutes to setup the entire database. After this step, you can directly jump to the Run experiments section.


Database Setup

Please follow this tutorial closely. We use the secure setup.

  1. Run the following command: bash cockroach-start.sh [HOSTS].
  2. For example: bash cockroach-start.sh xcnd35 xcnd36 xcnd37 xcnd38 xcnd39

Seeding the database

Prerequisite: You've run the one-time setup ( ./setup.sh ). Look at the values stored in the file HOSTNAME in your root folder.


  1. A python file server is running inside your seed data folder at HOSTNAME. If that is not the case, change all occurrence of HOSTNAME in cockroachdb/schema/schema* to the fileserver hostname.
  2. You are running an insecure node setup. If you are using a secure node setup, modify flags (e.g. --certs-dir) accordingly.

Note that the fileserver must be reachable by the node you are running the schema file from.

  1. Start an http file server on HOSTNAME. ssh HOSTNAME && cd [SEED_DIR] && python -m http.server 3000 &
  2. In any other node except HOSTNAME, run cockroach sql --insecure --host $(hostname -s) --file [SCHEMA_FILE]. By default, the schema files can be found at cockroachdb/schema

It should take 5 - 10 minutes to setup the entire database. After this step, you can directly jump to the Run experiments section.

Run experiments

The instructions below assume that the database are properly setup.

  1. Seed the database. Follow the instructions for each database above.
  2. Run bash run.sh. An interaction should look like the following.
    $ bash run.sh
    Found config.json... Please check if it is correct!
    [config.json REDACTED]
    Where is the project root located?
    Which db are you using? (cassandra or cockroachdb)
    Please input 5 hostname separated by whitespace
    xcnd35 xcnd36 xcnd37 xcnd38 xcnd39
    Enter path to the workload you are running
  3. The experiment logs would be available in logs/dd-mm_HH-MM. The DBTYPE file will indicate which db it is on.

NOTE: It is possible that the logs might end up in two folders, such as logs/28-10_21-00 and logs/28-10_21-01. As a result, it is your responsibility to consolidate these logs into one common folder when running the performance metric retrieval.


In order to retrieve the performance metrics, performance/main.py should be run only when the experiment has completed.

usage: main.py [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] -d DIRECTORY [-m MODE] [-s] [-x]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE  config file. defaults to config.json
  -d DIRECTORY    directory containing xact logs
  -m MODE         mode to get cassandra or cockroach stats
  -s              flag to skip printing client and xact stats
  -x              flag to print xact summary stats

Example Runs:

  1. To get all the statistics with respect to cassandra: python performance/main.py -d ./logs -m cassandra
  2. To get all the statistics with respect to cockroachdb: python performance/main.py -d ./logs -m cockroach
  3. To get all the statistics with respect to cockroachdb, including xact summary stats, add the -x flag: python performance/main.py -d ./logs -m cockroach -x
  4. To simply print final values of cockroachdb, use the -s flag: python performance/main.py -d ./logs -m cassandra -s


Running the clients individually

If you would like to run just a single client:

  1. Before running, ensure that you have the configuration file in the root directory. An example of the configuration file can be found in config.json.example

  2. To execute, run the command: python cockroachdb/main.py -i <transaction file>. More options can be seen below.

$ python cockroachdb/main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-i [INFILE]] [-o OUTDIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose   print debug info
  -c CONFIG_FILE  connection config file. defaults to config.json
  -i [INFILE]     input file containing xacts
  -o OUTDIR       output directory for logs

Running all clients in one node