CS6704-VT / Basics-Workshop

SE Basics workshop for Advanced Topics in SE Class
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This workshop provides a brief overview of several useful tools and activities for supporting software development work and skills to help you be productive as a software engineer [1]. These interactive tutorials. The goal of this workshop is for you practice and learn a set of relevant tools and processes for software engineering that will also be useful for this course. Please read the instructions for each section carefully for details on how to complete and submit your work.

1. Bash Shells

Basic overview of Unix shell commands and shell programming

2. Package Managers

Setting up your development environment

3. Coding

There is no specific language required for this class, but this is a brief overview of programming concepts

4. Version Control with Git

A deeper dive into git and interactive tutorial for learning commands

5. APIs

Introduction and practice with using APIs

6. Project Management

Useful development tools for productivity and task management

Bash Shells ⏭️

[1] The content of this workshop is primarily based on the Engineering Basics workshop by Dr. Chris Parnin.