CSAILVision / NetDissect

Network Dissection http://netdissect.csail.mit.edu for quantifying interpretability of deep CNNs.
MIT License
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Network Dissection

News (Jan.18, 2018)!

We release a light and portable version of Network Dissection in pyTorch at NetDissect-Lite. It is much faster than this first version and the code structure is cleaned up, without any complex shell commands. It takes about 30 min for a resnet18 model and 2 hours for a densenet161. If you have questions, please open issues at NetDissect-Lite


This repository contains the demo code for the CVPR'17 paper Network Dissection: Quantifying Interpretability of Deep Visual Representations. You can use this code with naive Caffe, with matcaffe and pycaffe compiled. We also provide a PyTorch wrapper to apply NetDissect to probe networks in PyTorch format. There are dissection results for several networks at the project page.

This code includes


Note that you can run script/dlbroden.sh to download Broden dataset with images in all three resolution (227x227,224x224,384x384), or run script/dlzoo.sh to download more CNN models. AlexNet models work with 227x227 image input, while VGG, ResNet, GoogLeNet works with 224x224 image input.

Run in Caffe

    script/rundissect.sh --model caffe_reference_places365 --layers "conv5" --dataset dataset/broden1_227 --resolution 227
    script/rundissect.sh --model caffe_reference_imagenet --layers "conv3 conv4 conv5" --dataset dataset/broden1_227 --resolution 227

Run in PyTorch




These are, respectively, the HTML-formatted report, the semantics of the units of the layer summarized as a bar graph, visualizations of all the units of the layer (using zero-indexed unit numbers), and a CSV file containing raw scores of the top matching semantic concepts in each category for each unit of the layer.


If you find the codes useful, please cite this paper

  title={Network Dissection: Quantifying Interpretability of Deep Visual Representations},
  author={Bau, David and Zhou, Bolei and Khosla, Aditya and Oliva, Aude and Torralba, Antonio},
  booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},