CSAllenISD / 2023-ISP-FreeCash

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ISP Description:

Our ISP, "FreeCash" is a Low-Frequency Trading AI, is a service designed to give reliable prediction data for given stocks. It uses 3 indicators: Twitter sentiment data, Google search data, and r/wallstreetbets sentiments. Using these 3 indicators will create an index which will then be used with thousands of past market data to train an AI via reinforcement learning. Once this AI has been trained to score above 50% accuracy resulting in a net profit, it will be released to the public as a subscription service. Here is the reason why we chose to create it: Artificial Intelligence has been used for many decades in the form of High-Frequency Trading (HFT). Over 60% of trades are reported to be made autonomously by these algorithmic trading AIs. However, HFT algorithms do not predict the long-term trajectory of stocks and instead work in the short-term realm of this sector of finance. This means that the traders with the fastest execution times will make more money than the traders whose HFT execution times aren't as fast. As of 2022, there are virtually no stock trading algorithms that allow for accurate long-term investment predictions. This is a problem my team and I intend on fixing. This will even the playing field for entities and organizations that do not have billions of dollars and dozens of academic researchers working for them.



QA Engineer

Project Manager

Product Manager

Software Engineer

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