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Unclear teaching description and ununified usage of words ECTS, CP #6

Closed omaus closed 11 months ago

omaus commented 12 months ago

The content of the teaching events sometimes does not have any descriptive text or misses it completely (s. top right box). Also, the terms "ECTS" and "CP" are used in an alternating manner (s. top left box, bottom right box). For clarity reasons, it is favorable to only use one of them, i.e. EITHER "ECTS" OR "CP".

Besides, "Course" as a term alone is not as descriptive as e.g. "Practical Course" – which it is (s. bottom right box).



omaus commented 11 months ago

Since the information is parsed straight out of OLAT, it makes little sense to implement a gazillion String.replaces, just because the university is not able to provide the information consistently. *sigh*