CSBiology / csbiology.github.io

Website for teaching, publications and news from CSB (Computational Systems Biology)
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


The csb website.

Local Development


  1. dotnet tool restore
  2. npm install
  3. Add olat password as src/loaders/olat.p, containing only the password as raw string.

Update css from scss


  1. npm run fornax
  2. Go to

Site Config Information:

Team Members

Using myself as an example

Create a .md file with your name in snake_case in src/content/team. All fields not marked with an #! are optional.

# src/content/team/kevin_frey.md
name: Kevin Frey #!
img: frey.png
role: PhD Student #!
github: Freymaurer
orcid: 0000-0002-8510-6810
alumni: 2020-Master Student
phone: +49 000 111 4242 # this is only an example 
email: freyk@rptu.de