Restructured some of the files to organize and follow the naming conventions the rest of the group has been using.
Added a quickly thrown together UI component for recording and translating audio.
This needs to be merged with the rest of the UI, and I am currently waiting for the chat screen UI to be finished in order to merge the two.
Design Patterns
SOLID Principles
No new relevant features added
Breaking Change
[ ] Check this if your changes will cause merge conflicts in other branches.
[x] My code follows Java style conventions
[x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
[x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
[x] I have added Javadocs for new classes and methods
[x] My changes generate no new relevant warnings
[ ] I have added tests for any new functionality added
[x] New and existing unit tests pass locally with my changes
Restructured some of the files to organize and follow the naming conventions the rest of the group has been using. Added a quickly thrown together UI component for recording and translating audio. This needs to be merged with the rest of the UI, and I am currently waiting for the chat screen UI to be finished in order to merge the two.
Design Patterns
SOLID Principles
No new relevant features added
Breaking Change