CSC207-2022F-UofT / course-project-translate-chat-program

course-project-translate-chat-program created by GitHub Classroom
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How to run this project (for Milestone 5)

This README file will contain instructions on how to run our project specifically for Milestone 5. We will also include, near the end, how we applied the feedback we got from Milestone 4.

You will have to run this file to get the program running. Instructions are as follows:

Register/Login Screen:

Home Screen:

On the Home Screen, you can:

Chat Screen:

On the Chat Screen, you can:

Note: In order to get the most out of this program, we recommend making two accounts, having them be contacts of one another, and populating the chat those accounts have with messages so you can test all the functionality.

How we applied Milestone 4 feedback: