Web service, inference server and cloud mongoDB for this project have been terminated, woohoooo!
Note that this project requires
and internet connection for could database operation and machine learning model inference. Dependencies can be found inbuild.gradle
. Please refer toteamDocumentation
for details.Our primary code base is on branch
, please refer tomain
for code quality evaluation.
For our CSC207 project, we are planning to build a course planning app that allows students to plan and review their courses. A build-in connection to UofT API will present comprehensive course information to users, while user information is safely stored in a remote database. Course planning functionality is provided through our auto-scheduling algorithm. Timetable visualization functionality gives user a convenient course scheduling experience. Students can rate and write reviews on courses they have taken before. Based on these reviews and the user's information, our machine learning model strives to recommend instructor tailored to the user’s request and program requirements. In addition, our app aims to provide a platform for students to connect and network with their fellow peers.
for our CLI app (click here for interesting commands).mongodb-driver:3.12.10
: Cloud Database Accessgson:2.8.8
: JSON Supportjunit-jupiter-api:5.8.1'
: JUNIT Testhttpcore:4.4.14'
& httpclient:4.5.13
: Apache HTTP Request SupportWe have a test account for you!
(in main
branch ). Or, run course-project-bug-makers.jar
. Try to log in our test account!
's summary!
$ getCourseGeneralInformation CSC207F
$ getCourseList
$ presentCalendar F Workday
$ getInstReviewSummary CSC207
$ getInstRank RTC
JDK 1.8
)!Here's our little GIF instruction:
Click here to access the website.
We also have a test account for you in our web interface!
We have a test account for you!
Click above link (source code is in dev/springboot
). Try to log in our test account!
.Explore CSC207F
's summary!
Check our excellent pre-set course list (and then Star our Project)!
Try our auto-generated calendar and take a screenshot!