-As a Customer Manager,
-I need the ability to filter the list of customers by certain attributes,
-So that I can view relevant subsets of customers.
Details and Assumptions:
-The query string will filter the list based on customer attributes (e.g., name, location).
-The filtered results will be returned from the PostgreSQL database.
Acceptance Criteria:
-Given customers exist in the system,
-When I filter the list by a specific attribute,
-Then the returned list should only include customers that match the query criteria.
Description: -As a Customer Manager, -I need the ability to filter the list of customers by certain attributes, -So that I can view relevant subsets of customers.
Details and Assumptions: -The query string will filter the list based on customer attributes (e.g., name, location). -The filtered results will be returned from the PostgreSQL database.
Acceptance Criteria: -Given customers exist in the system, -When I filter the list by a specific attribute, -Then the returned list should only include customers that match the query criteria.