CSCI3308-Spring2023 / lab2-project-requirements-011-team-02

lab2-project-requirements-011-team-02 created by GitHub Classroom
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CSCI 3308 Lab 2: Team Formation

Course Website Canvas Piazza
Course Website Canvas Piazza


In this lab, we will learn how to use GitHub Projects to manage our class projects. You will work on this lab as a group of 4. Please follow the instructions on the course website. Note that the above badges serve as quick links to the lab instructions, Course Canvas, and Course Piazza.

Submission Guidelines

Once your team document is ready and in PDF form, upload it to this repo. Make sure to add, commit, and push your changes. You should run the following commands inside your local git directory. Make sure you copy your PDF into your submission directory.

In a terminal opened inside your repo:

mkdir submission # then, copy/move your PDF into the submission directory
git add submission
git commit -m "add team document"
git push