CSE-Courses / course-project-a6-magnum-cerebellum

course-project-a6-magnum-cerebellum created by GitHub Classroom
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Create mockup of gameplay UI #26

Closed montanalee closed 3 years ago

montanalee commented 3 years ago

Acceptance Test:

  1. Verify that the mockup is created and displays how the gameplay UI is projected to be programmed.
montanalee commented 3 years ago

Created a physical sketch of gameplay UI projection and confirmed with teammates that this was what we were going for. Spent week 4 doing research on retro dungeon crawler UI tendencies and needs, spriting and spritepacks to use in it, and creating a changeable rough mockup in art program.

montanalee commented 3 years ago

Menu Mockup_Phase_1.0.jpg Resources that I'm using/looking at in order to develop this:

1: https://kyrise.itch.io/kyrises-free-16x16-rpg-icon-pack 2: https://alexs-assets.itch.io/16x16-rpg-item-pack 3: https://alexs-assets.itch.io/16x16-rpg-item-pack-2 4: http://www.indieretronews.com/search/label/Dungeon%20Crawler 5: https://www.pixilart.com/ 6: https://opengameart.org/content/a-pixel-art-collection

The program that I'm using to generate this mockup is Krita.

montanalee commented 3 years ago

Menu Mockup_1.1.jpg