CSE-Courses / course-project-a6-magnum-cerebellum

course-project-a6-magnum-cerebellum created by GitHub Classroom
2 stars 1 forks source link

Escape From Davis Hall

course-project-a6-magnum-cerebellum created by GitHub Classroom

Installation instructions (macOS or Linux):

  1. Install the latest version of Python and pygame. Installation instructions for pygame can be found here : https://cs.hofstra.edu/docs/pages/guides/InstallingPygame.html and here: https://www.pygame.org/wiki/GettingStarted. If you're on a newer version of macOS the second set of instructions are likely what you'll need.
  2. Clone our repository
  3. Run davis.py

Installation instructions (Windows):

  1. Download our game at https://mega.nz/file/aHxDgYSI#OyrFyS_sISjE813pdzbveKinb7u8C_Tlcs00-viFDSI
  2. Run davis.exe!