CSE512-15S / fp-tdurham-ajh24-chiasson-ningli30

EPICViz - http://cse512-15s.github.io/fp-tdurham-ajh24-chiasson-ningli30/
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EPICViz: An interactive visualization of C. elegans embryogenesis and gene expression

Team Members

  1. Timothy Durham tdurham@uw.edu
  2. Andrew Hill ajh24@uw.edu
  3. Melissa Chiasson chiasson@uw.edu
  4. Ning Li ningli30@uw.edu

Running Instructions

Access our visualization [here] (http://cse512-15s.github.io/fp-tdurham-ajh24-chiasson-ningli30/) or download this repository and run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 2255 and access this from http://localhost:2255/.

We recommend using either Chrome or Opera for ideal viewing.

Caenorhabditis elegans embryo development and gene expression



We sought to address this lack of resource by developing an interactive visualization that includes a 3D plot of the C. elegans developing embryo, a lineage tree that is synched to the 3D plot, and plots of gene expression patterns. Users can explore the data using filters for lineage, cell type, and time point.


Figure 1

Development Process

For the development process, we discussed the initial data set and storyboard idea together, then reconvened later to discuss the next set of goals once we had the basics of the original storyboard programmed. Significant time was spent discussing how the gene expression data should be displayed, formatting the gene expression data, and implementing the gene expression data in our visualization. Tim worked on the gene expression data formating, along with the gene expression gene report. Andrew worked on the PCA plot and small multiples. Ning worked on adding the intro.js tour of the visualization and highlighting logic. Melissa worked on the html modal dialogs, refining playback, and the poster and paper.