CSI-280 / python-game

Python roguelike for CSI-280
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Rogue: Apocalypse


Apocalypse is a rouge-like game where you can explore dungeons. In these dungeons you will be fighting many kinds of monsters and collecting items as you search for the stairs to get to the next floor of the dungeon to try and clear the dungeon.


This game requires python 3.8 or higher as well as the tcod library.

Python installation

Head to https://www.python.org/downloads/ and follow instructions to install.

Tcod installation on Windows (non virtual environment)

Run the following code in a command-line to install tcod on your computer.

py -m pip install tcod

Tcod installation on PyCharm (virtual environment)

Upgrade pip using the command

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install tcod using the command

pip install tcod

If tcod fails to install you may need to download and install visual c++ from here.

If you need help, this tutorial from the library's page is very helpful and where I got the information on how to install it in the first place.

Tcod library docs

Running the game

Once all the steps above have been completed all you need to do is run the file "Game Files/engine.py".


All controls can be put here for reference

Keybind Description
W Move up
A Move left
S Move down
D Move right
Q Move up left
E Move up right
Z Move down left
C Move down right
I Inventory
F Grab item
F Use stairs
T Drop item
Alt Toggle fullscreen
Esc Exit game


Josh Bogin Louis Vinton Wes Beard Kai Wilens ^_^ Ethan Trope
Michaelangelo Leonardo Raphael Donatello Noah Anderson Steven Pershyn Will Gesler