CSI4999Capstone / Memento-Health

Memento Health is an easy-to-use and secure web application dedicated to creating fully customizable forms to be used by healthcare professionals to assist in gathering, analyzing, and managing patient data.
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Memento Health - A Patient Check-in System

Oakland University - CSI 4999 - Senior Project - Fall 2021

🏆 Winning project 🏆

Final presentation and demo video of Memento Health

Team Members

Yonatan Mankovich (yonimn2000)

Team lead; Back-end design and implementation; Computer Science major.

Sarmad Barya (SBarya27)

Front-end design and implementation; Computer Science major.

William Buerkle (wbuerkle)

Back-end implementation, testing, and documenting; Computer Science major.

Camron Farida (camronfarida)

Front-end implementation, testing, and documenting; Information Technology major.

Mahmudur Rahman (rahman-mahmudur)

Back-end implementation, testing, and documenting; Information Technology major.

Tristan Swick (Tr1to5)

Penetration testing, front-end implementation, testing, and documenting; Information Technology major.

Brief Description

Memento Health is an easy-to-use and secure web application dedicated to creating fully customizable forms to be used by healthcare professionals to assist in gathering, analyzing, and managing patient data.

Application Goals

Our task for this project was to construct a working patient check-in system. The system allows patients to submit information in the form of a questionnaire. The admin of each subscribing clinic creates a questionnaire depending on the needs of the clinic. Medical assistants first select the patients checking in. They then select one or more forms from a list and allow the patient to fill them in. The forms must have various accessibility features and a progress bar. Once all the forms are completed, the screen returns to the PIN screen. If patient data needs to be altered further or deleted, a PIN will be required. Once the patient is ready to be checked in, the doctors are able to view current and historical patient data.

Main Features

Under the Hood

Built using C# on ASP.NET MVC, Razor Pages, Entity Framework, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

How to Run Project

  1. Install Visual Studio with ASP.NET.
  2. Clone the project to your computer.
  3. Open and run the project in Visual Studio.



Please note that all names, addresses, roles, and other data in the following screenshots are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Home Page

Register Page

Login Page

Provider Staff Page

Create User Page

Forms Page

Form Questions Page

Form Questions Flow Graph

Question Editor

Question Conditions Page

Image Question Condition Editor

Patients Page

Patient Import Results Page

Patient Search Page

Answer Page

PIN Unlock Page

Submissions Page

Patient Form Submission History Page

Account Management Page

Providers Page

Provider Details Page

Provider Delete Page

Provider Stats Page

System Admins Management Page
