This code repository contains a Linkset - a specialised Dataset linking objects in two other Datasets.
This Linkset contains spatial associations between Mesh Block
class objects in the 2016 version of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS 2016) and Contracted Catchment
class objects in the Geofabric.
Both Mesh Block
and Contracted Catchment
features are represented spatially as polygons of varying area, consequently the following 3 spatial relations are present:
Mesh Block
may be wholly within Contracted Catchment
Mesh Block
may overlap a Contracted Catchment
Mesh Block
may be wholly contained within a Contracted Catchment
These three relationships are expressed using predicates from the GeoSPARQL Standard and correspond to 'Simple Features' relationships, as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium.
Additionally, a new relationship (RDF predicate) transitive overlaps is defined within the LocI project's GeoSPARQL Extensions Ontology and this is also used. This relationship allows for absolute area overlaps to be indicated by having two overlapping polygons indicate the polygon of their intersection.
The formal definition of what a Linkset is, is provided by the Location Index (LocI) project within its project ontology, see:
Figure 1: A Mesh Block (red outline) overlapping two Contracted Catchments (blue and purple ploygons)
This repository contains a Linkset. Linksets are specialised Linked Data datasets that link objects, such as Addresses or Contracted Catchments, in one Linked Data dataset to objects in another.
Publishing relationships between Datasets as distinct Linksets allows for the independent management of Dataset-to-Dataset relationships.
Where LocI objects across multiple datasets have spatial relationships that we wish to represent, we create Linksets with spatial (topological) relationships such as touches, within, overlaps etc. using terms formalised in the (GeoSPARQL Standard](
Some LocI Datasets, such as the ASGS, have multiple, independently delivered versions (the ASGS is released as a Linked Data Datasets in both 2011 and 2016 versions). Linksets can be used to link between these versions of a Dataset too. This allows for information such as correspondence tables (links between ASGS versions, published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics) to be published as Linked Data independently of any other Dataset.
This Linkset - GNAF Current Addresses to Geofabric Contracted Catchments Linkset - is a spatial relations Linkset linking GNAF Current Addresses (points) to Geofabric Contracted Catchments (polygons) by indicating which Contracted Catchment each Address is within.
This Linkset states, per Address and with other details, something like this:
Address GAACT714845933
is within
Contracted Catchment 7155143
...and that this particular link was made on the 6th of February, 2015 using a Parcel Level matching method.
Linksets include the main facts of relations between objects in two datasets - what the IDs of two objects are and how they are related - and they also include information about how links were created, such as what spatial intersection method was used to establish a topological relation. Linkset generation might have employed multiple methods to make all the object-to-object links within it so a Linkset may relate multiple methods and give the particular method used for each link.
Other per-link information may be recorded too: if the links within a Linkset are generated over a significant period of time then the each link may have a created time; if different people/organisations contributed different links then each link may reference their specific contributor.
Linksets use a highly condensed, but still (sort of) human-readable data format to include many (millions) of links. Linkset data files contain:
Linksets include all their information in one potentially very large file but they also include the header information in a stand-alone text file - header.ttl.
They also include a few (perhaps 10) example Statements in a stand-alone text file - example-data-… .ttl (numbered as there may be many).
In addition to the main Linkset data file and the header.ttl and example-data.ttl files, there are usually several other files within a Linkset, including this README file. General Linkset files include:
This specific Linkset’s files are listed in above in Repository Content.
In its long list of statements, this Linkset expresses each link like this:
In RDF code this link is expressed as:
:mw1 a rdf:Statement ;
rdf:subject: address:GAACT714845933 ;
rdf:predicate: geo:sfWithin ;
rdf:object catchment:7155143 ;
loci:hadGenerationMethod: :SpatialIntersection
With contractions used to save data volumes resulting in:
s: g:GAACT714845933 ;
p: w: ;
o: b:7155143 ;
m: :SpatialIntersection ;
See the file example-data-within.ttl for the first 10 Statements of the Linkset expressed like this and see the header.ttl file to explain all the contractions.
Linksets always contain similar information - links between objects in datasets - and a standard set of metrics can be calculated for any Linkset. These metrics, set by the LocI project, are:
A series of queries to calculate Linkset metrics is being prepared here:
Metric | Value |
Number of links | 700754 |
Number of items in Dataset A (from) not linked | not yet calculated |
Number of items in Dataset B (to) not linked | not yet calculated |
Number of link creation methods used | 1 (a spatial intersection) |
Numbers of uses of each link-creation method | 700754 |
The content of this API is licensed for use under the Creative Commons 4.0 License. See the license deed all details.
LocI Project technical owner:
Nicholas Car
CSIRO Land & Water, Environmental Informatics Group
Linkset creator:
Ashley Sommer
CSIRO Land & Water, Environmental Informatics Group