CSLTech / budibase-autocomplete

Budibase Autocomplete Plugin
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Auto-Complete Plugin


Budibase Auto-Complete plugin.

Find out more about Budibase.

This plugin is based on https://github.com/pstanoev/simple-svelte-autocomplete

This brings in a dynamic auto-complete field to complement the existing Budibase fields.


Install the plugin and use is as you would any other string form field. The auto complete data source support 4 different modes:

In all cases, the plugin expects an array of objects. You can configure which field of the object is used as the label and which one is used for the value.

If using Custom Query, your query will need to support searching by the value field (probably selected item ID). Upon item select, an additional query is performed.

If you want to support arbitrary text in addition to selections, the plugin exposes a text binding.

Asynchronous Flow

Due to limitation on how events and data are processed in Budibase, an asynchronous flow using flags and state variables. To use the asynchronous flow, the following steps should be followed: