CSU-ServerSide-Fall-23 / Group_2

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The Know - News Website

"The Know" is a dynamic News Website developed as a group project for the course Server-Side-Web Development (CPSC4125). It is designed to provide users with the latest news by fetching real-time data from the GNews API. The site features many functionalities such as search capability, category filtering, and an interactive user interface with news cards and a carousel display on the homepage.


🖥️Tech Stack

✅Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/CSU-ServerSide-Fall-23/Group_2.git
cd news-website
  1. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Environment Variables: Set up a .env file with your GNews API key:

    REACT_APP_NEWS_API_BASE_URL=<YOUR BASE URL> ex: https://gnews.io/api/v4 (if you use GNEWS)
  3. Run the Application:

    npm run start


To run tests, execute the following command:

npm run test

See the Live Demo - Deployed with Render.

📹Video Demos

Demo 1

Demo 2

Demo 3 (Final)

Team Members

Group 2 - Furlong Logan, Shreya Kola, Mills Maria