Cordova plugin exposing the Veriff SDK - Smart and scalable identity verification
Within your Cordova project:
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-veriff
The plugin exposes the VERIFF JavaScript namespace which cointains a Veriff end-to-end verification service.
To use this plugin:
In your ionic app:
declare var VERIFF;
Create a session verification with your Veriff API KEY.
Start the verification process:
We will need the verification sessionUrl to start the Veriff process
const sessionURL = session.verification.url;
const configuration = {
themeColor: '#0F3C32'
VERIFF.start(sessionURL, configuration).then((result: { message: string, status: string }) => {
// The promise returns the VeriffSDK verification result
console.log("Result: ", result);
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
Within root plugin path:
$ npm run build