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Welcome to MAKO IoT

MAKO IoT is a platform for building IoT applications based on .NET. It leverages the power of C# language and software best practices. It is based on .NET nanoFramework

The goal of MAKO IoT is to provide:

Build your app with MAKO IoT


Code your project

Create two nanoFramework projects. For example: MyProject.Device (Class Library) and MyProject.Device.App (nanoFramework Application).


Implement your logic here. You will be able to unit test this project (without hardware!). Place everything your software needs to do here, abstracting hardware-specific operations with interfaces. For example, if you want to blink a LED - create IBlinker interface here with void Blink(bool isOn); method.


This is the entry point to your software. Use DeviceBuilder to link all components together (MAKO IoT and your code) in the Main() method of Program class. Also, implement your hardware-specific logic here. For example, concrete blinker class for the interface above: LedBlinker : IBlinker. Link the interface with the class in ConfigureDI section of DeviceBuilder.

Test your code

Create nanoFramework test project and implement unit tests for your logic from MyProject.Device (Class Library).

Give it a go!

Connect your device, Set Startup Project to MyProject.Device.App (nanoFramework Application) and run it.

Take a look at Samples.

MAKO IoT components

Composition & Abstractions


External Configuration

With those componentes you can read & write configuration through REST API. This is particularly useful when setting up a device i.e. entering WiFi credentials.



Message Bus - device

In-process communication


System Utilities

Hardware Specific

Various Utilities
