CSi-Studio / Aird-SDK

Support for Java, C#, Python
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1 What is Aird?

1.1 Abstract

Aird is a new format for mass spectrometry data storage. It is an opensource and computation-oriented format with controllable precision, flexible indexing strategies, and high compression rate for m/z, intensity and ion mobility pairs. Aird provides a novel compressor called ComboComp for m/z data compression,which makes up an amazing compression rate. Compared with Zlib, m/z data is about 65% lower in the Aird on average. Aird is a computational friendly algorithm. Through SIMD optimization, the decoding speed of Aird is much higher than that of Zlib.
Aird SDK is a developer tool written in Java, C# and Python language. It is convenient for developers who want to read the spectrum data in the Aird file quickly. With the high performance of reading and excellent compression rate, developer can develop a lot of application based on Aird for data visualization and analysis.

Aird Index File Suffix: .json
Aird Data File Suffix: .aird
Aird Index File and Aird Data File show be stored in the same directory with the same file.

1.2 AirdPro: Conversion Client for Vendor Files

You should use the AirdPro client to transfer the vendor files into Aird format.
You can download the AirdPro from the github:
After downloading, unzip the file, click the AirdPro.exe to start the AirdPro Application AirdPro is written in C#, it is also an opensource project. Simple UI is provided by AirdPro for people to convert the vendor file to the Aird file quickly.

1.3 Supported Acquisition Methods

Demo code: see SampleCode.java in the project or in the "How to use" chapter

1.4 Citation

  1. Lu, M., An, S., Wang, R. et al. Aird: a computation-oriented mass spectrometry data format enables a higher compression ratio and less decoding time. BMC Bioinformatics 23, 35 (2022)

  2. Wang,J. et al. StackZDPD: a novel encoding scheme for mass spectrometry data optimized for speed and compression ratio. Scientific Reports, 12, 5384.(2022)

2. How to import (Java, C#, Python)

2.1 Maven for Java SDK


2.2 Nuget for C# SDK

Search "AirdSDK" in Nuget Package Manager

2.3 PyPI for Python SDK

pip install AirdSDK

3 Domain Definition

3.1 AirdInfo

Name Type Required Description
version String True Aird format version
versionCode Integer True Aird format version code
compressors List True The compression strategies for m/z, intensity and mobility array
instruments List True General information about the MS instrument
dataProcessings List False Description of any manipulation (from the first conversion to Aird format until the creation of the current Aird instance document) applied to the data
softwares List False Software used to convert the data. If data has been processed (e.g. profile > centroid) by any additional progs these should be added too
parentFiles List False Path to all the ancestor files (up to the native acquisition file) used to generate the current Aird document
rangeList List False The precursor m/z window ranges which have been adjusted with experiment overlap. This field is targeted for DIA and PRM type format
indexList List True The index for mass spectrometry data
type String True Aird Type. There are four types now: DIA, DDA, PRM, DIA_PASEF, DDA_PASEF, COMMON
fileSize Long True The file size for Aird file and JSON file
totalCount Long True Total spectrums count
airdPath String False The .aird file path
activator String False Activator Method, CID,HCD,ETD,ECD
energy Float False Collision Energy
msType String True Mass Spectrum Type, PROFILE, CENTROIDED
rtUnit String True rt unit, always second
polarity String True Polarity type, POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, NEUTRAL
ignoreZeroIntensityPoint Boolean True Whether ignore the point which intensity is 0
mobiInfo MobiInfo False ion mobility information
creator String False The file creator, this field can be set up in the AirdPro
createDate String False The create date for the aird file
features String False Some other features stored with “key:value;key:value” format

3.2 Compressor

Name Type Required Description
target String True mz, intensity, ion mobility
methods List True Combination Compressors like ["VB","Zstd"]
precision Integer False 10^N, the N means N decimal places for the final data
digit Integer False Use for StackZDPD algorithm, 2^digit = layers
byteOrder String True LITTLE_ENDIAN(default), BIG_ENDIAN

3.3 WindowRange

Name Type Required Description
start Double True Precursor m/z start
end Double True Precursor m/z end
mz Double True Precursor m/z
charge Integer False Precursor charge, 0 when empty
features String False Some other features stored with “key:value;key:value” format

3.4 BlockIndex

Name Type Required Description
level Integer True 1:MS1, 2:MS2
startPtr Long True The start point for the block
endPtr Long True The endpoint for the block
num Integer False The scan number in the vendor file. If a block has a list of MS2, this field is the related MS1’s number
rangeList List False The precursor m/z window ranges which have been adjusted with experiment overlap. This field is targeted for DIA and PRM type format
nums List False Scan numbers in the block
rts List True All the retention times in the block
basePeakIntensities List True Every Spectrum's total base peak intensity in the block
basePeakMzs List True Every Spectrum's total base peak mz in the block
tags List False Used in StackZDPD, the original layers of every mz point
tics List False Every Spectrum's total intensity in the block
mzs List True Size for every m/z bytes size
ints List True Size for every intensity bytes size
mobilities List False Size for every ion mobility bytes size
cvList List<List> False PSI Controlled Vocabulary
features String False Some other features stored with “key:value;key:value” format

3.5 Instrument

Name Type Required Description
manufacturer String False Instrument manufacturer: ”ABSciex”,”Thermo Fisher”
ionization String False Ionization
resolution String False Resolution
model String False Instrument model
source List False Source: ”electrospray ionization”, ”electrospray inlet”
analyzer List False Analyzer: “quadrupole”, “orbitrap”
detector List False Detector: ”inductive detector”

3.6 DataProcessing

Name Type Required Description
processingOperations List False Any additional manipulation not included elsewhere in the dataProcessing element

3.7 Software

Name Type Required Description
name String True The software name
version String False The software version
type String False The software function type, like "acquisition"

3.8 ParentFile

Name Type Required Description
name String True The filename
location String False The file location
type String False The file type

3.9 MobiInfo

Name Type Required Description
dictStart long True start position in the aird for mobi array
dictEnd long True end position in the aird for mobi array
unit String False ion mobility unit
type String False ion mobility type, see MobilityType

4 API Document

4.1 Scan Aird files from target directory

    List<File> files = AirdScanUtil.scanIndexFiles("E:\\data\\SGS");
    files.forEach(file -> {

4.2 Load Aird Info into memory

    DIAParser diaParser = new DIAParser("\\FilePath\\file.json");
    DDAParser ddaParser = new DDAParser("\\FilePath\\file.json");
    DDAPasefParser ddaPasefParser = new DDAPasefParser("\\FilePath\\file.json");
    DIAPasefParser diaPasefParser = new DIAPasefParser("\\FilePath\\file.json");
    PRMParser prmParser = new PRMParser("\\FilePath\\file.json");

4.3 Read AirdInfo

    DDAParser parser1 = new DDAParser(YOUR_AIRD_INDEX_FILE_PATH);
    AirdInfo airdInfo = parser.getAirdInfo();

4.4 Read Spectrum by spectrum number

    int num = 12
    Spectrum pairs = parser.getSpectrum(num);

4.5 Read Spectrum by spectrum number

    double rt = 12.3456
    Spectrum pairs = parser.getSpectrum(num);

4.6 Read DIA/SWATH window block one by one

    DIAParser diaParser = new DIAParser("\\FilePath\\file.json");
    AirdInfo airdInfo = diaParser.getAirdInfo();
    airdInfo.getIndexList().forEach(blockIndex -> {
       TreeMap<Double, Spectrum> map = diaParser.getSpectrums(blockIndex); //key is retention time

4.7 Read All data into memory

This is only for DDAParser with small DDA data file(< 200MB as an advice). Read all spectra into the memory

    DDAParser ddaParser = new DDAParser("\\FilePath\\file.json");
    List<DDAMs> cycleList = ddaParser.readAllToMemory();

Sample Code

Detail sample code. See net.csibio.aird.sample.SampleCode