CSi-Studio / InjectionDesign

Metabolomics&Proteomics Injection Service for GC/LC-MS-based Experiment Design
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LC/GC-MS-based Multi-Omics Injection-Plate Design Web Service

Demo User Account

Free Web Service: http://injection.design
username: admin
password: admin123

Step1 Download Template and Upload Samples

image Click "Download Sample Excel" button to download the template excel. Then fill the basic information of samples to the excel and upload the file.

image After upload samples. Users can modify the sample list for future operation. InjectionDesign supports visual presentation of up to three classification dimensions.

Step2 Design Parameters and Predefinition for QC samples position

image InjectionDesign predefined four QC type: Blank QC, Solvent QC, Pooled QC, Long-Term Reference QC. and one custom QC. Different QC type has be marked as different color. Besides, users need to set the plate type, max samples on single plate(exclude qc samples), layout direction and the yAxis label format of the plate.

Step3 Inter-batch balancing and intra-batch randomization

image Users need to define the balance dimension and the randomization dimension separately. For each adjustment, the system displays the final visualized distribution sequence in real time.

Step4 Download Worksheet

image All the final sequence will display with a visualized way and users can download the worksheet one by one all download all the worksheet at one time with the "Export All" button.


This document outlines the step-by-step process for deploying the sample software application on the development server. The key software that will be installed includes:

The minimum and recommended system specifications are described in the following table.

Specifications Minimun Recommended
CPU Intel Core is 10-gen or AMD R5 Intel Core i9 12-gen or AMD R9 5900
Hard drive 40G free space 2x data set size
RAM 8GB 16GB(Core i9-10gen), 32GB(Core i9-12gen)

1.2 Step by Step installation

1.2.1 Install JDK

JDK Installation Guide can be found here

Successful operation: The following operations appear in the terminal to indicate that the operation is successful:

image.png image.png

1.2.2 Install Mongodb

MongoDB installation Guide can be found here

Successful operation: The following operations appear in the terminal to indicate that the operation is successful:


1.2.3 Install Redis

Redis Installation Guide can be found here Successful operation: The following operations appear in the terminal to indicate that the operation is successful:


1.2.4 CheckList

Software Version Port
JDK jdk17 (or above) -
Redis Redis 5 (or above) 6379
MongoDB MongoDB 4.2(or above) 27017

1.2.5 Run InjectionDesign

Installation packages can be downloaded at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r6LLSZkYDN4Jqt90SH988j5jezsAJa-l/view?usp=sharing

Open a terminal, Enter the following command

java -jar /YOUR_PAHT/InjectionDesignDeploy.jar

Successful operation: The following operations appear in the terminal to indicate that the operation is successful:


Then, The InjectionDesign can be visit: http://localhost:8080/

Browsers support: Modern browsers and IE11: IE11, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera


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