CT-cb / PlutusBackEnd

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The Plutus backend is located on an Ubuntu server at IP address It accepts HTTP requests over port 3000.

Thus, any request to the backend server must be made to a URL that begins with:

After the slash, the client should add additional endpoints, depending on the type of data the client wants.

The file below contains the following sections:

  1. Error Handling
  2. General Notes
  3. API Endpoints

If you're trying to make a call to a specific endpoint, skip to section 3.

!===!===!===!===!===!===! Error Handling !===!===!===!===!===!===!

If a request to an endpoint has missing required parameters, the response will contain a JSON of the following format:

{ "status": "error", "errorType": "message": }

!===!===!===!===!===!===! General Notes !===!===!===!===!===!===!


POST endpoints


Endpoint for creating a new account.

Expects a POST request with a JSON body that includes the following fields:

{ "email": (required), "password": (required), "firstName": (optional), "lastName": (optional) }

Returns a response with the following JSON body: { "status":"create_account_success", "id": }


Endpoint for authenticating a login attempt. As of now, this is a bare-bones username/pw comparison to the database.

Expects a POST request with a JSON body that includes the following fields:

{ "email": (required), "password": (required) }

If successful, returns a response with the following JSON body:

{ "status": "auth_success" }

If the user's email was not valid, returns a response with the following JSON body:

{ "status": "error", "error_type": "user_not_found", "message": "No user with this email exists in the database." }

If the user's eail was valid but the password was not, returns a response with the following JSON body:

{ "status": "error", "error_type": "user_not_found", "message": "The provided password does not match the password in the db." }

DELETE endpoints


Endpoint for deleting an account. This action is currently irreversible.

Expects a DELETE request with a JSON body with the following keys:

{ "email": , "password": }

If successful, returns a response with a JSON body with the following contents:

{ "status": "delete_account_success" }

PUT endpoints


Endpoint for updating an account's details.

Expects a PUT request with a JSON body with the following contents:

{ "email": (required), "password": (required), (the JSON should then contain any fields that we want to update, but these are all optional) }


POST endpoints


Endpoint for adding a single expense to the database.

Expects a POST request with a JSON body with the following contents:

{ "email": , "amount": , "currency": <currency code, default is usd>, "expenseDate": , "type" (optional): <category of expense -- business, shopping, etc> "payee" (optional): { "name":, "description": <short description of the payee, this is optional>, "category": <payee's general category, this is optional> } }

If successful, returns a JSON body with the following contents:

{ "message": "expense_add_success", "id": }

GET endpoints


The /all endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameter(s):

email (string) - the user id for which to get all expenses. In API v1, this will be the user's email address.

Template: /all?email=

Example: /all?email=example@example.com


Expects a GET request with the following parameter(s):

email (string) startDate (date in ISO string format) - optional! If this is missing, startDate will default to the year 1753 endDate (date in ISO string format) - optional! If this is missing, endDate will default to the year 3000

Template: /bydaterange?email=&startDate=&endDate=

Example: /bydaterange?email=example@example.com&startDate=2023-11-03 (all expenses since Nov 3rd) /bydaterange?email=example@example.com&startDate=2023-11-03&endDate=2023-11-20T00:00:00.0000


The /bytype endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters

email (string) types (comma-separated list of strings) example: /bytype?email=example@example.com&types=business,shopping,vacation

Template: /bytype?email=&types=

Example: /bytype?email=example@example.com&types=business,vacation /bytype?types=business,vacation&email=example@example.com


The /bytype_daterange endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) types (comma-separated list of strings) startDate (date in ISO string format) - optional! If this is missing, startDate will default to the year 1753 endDate (date in ISO string format) - optional! If this is missing, endDate will default to the year 3000

Template: /bytype_daterange?email=&types=&startDate=&endDate=

Example: /bytype?email=example@example.com&types=business,shopping,vacation&startDate=2023-11-28T00:00:00.000+00:00&endDate=2023-11-30


The /byamount endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) amountLowerBound (number) - optional! If this is missing or if it is negative, amountLowerBound will be set to 0 amountUpperBound (number) - optional! If this is missing, amountUpperBound will be set to Number.MAX_VALUE

Template: /byamount?email=&amountLowerBound=&amountUpperBound=

Example: /byamount?email=example@example.com&amountLowerBound=5&amountUpperBound=100


The /byamount_daterange endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) amountLowerBound (number) - optional! If this is missing or if it is negative, amountLowerBound will be set to 0 amountUpperBound (number) - optional! If this is missing, amountUpperBound will be set to Number.MAX_VALUE

startDate (date in ISO string format) - optional! If this is missing, startDate will default to the year 1753

endDate (date in ISO string format) - optional! If this is missing, endDate will default to the year 3000

Template: /byamount_daterange?email=&amountLowerBound=&amountUpperBound=?startDate=&endDate=

Example: /byamount_daterange?email=example@example.com&amountLowerBound=50&amountUpperBound=100?startDate=2023-11-28&endDate=2023-11-30



The /add endpoints allows a client to add a single income object to the db

The endpoint expects a POST request with a JSON body with the following attributes:

{ email:, amount:, currency:<string, default is usd>, incomeDate:<ISO date string, default is Date.now()>, type:<type of income...direct_deposit? reimbursement? transfer?> source:{ (optional!) name:, description: } }


The /delete endpoint allows a client to delete 1 or more income objects from the db.

The endpoint expects a DELETE request with the following parameters:

email (string) incomeId (comma-separated list) -- the uuid(s) of the income object(s) to delete

If successful, returns a response with the following JSON body: { "status": } Template: /incomes/delete?email=&incomeId=

Example: /incomes/delete?email=planwithplutus@gmail.com&incomeId=0ff84a8d-45e3-4215-844f-f8e6ec5a9764 /incomes/delete?email=planwithplutus@gmail.com&incomeId=0ff84a8d-45e3-4215-844f-f8e6ec5a9764,0ff84a8d-45e3-4215-844f-f8e6ec5a9764


The /all endpoint returns all income objects for the given user.

The endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameter:

email (string)

Template: /incomes/all&email=

Example: /incomes/all&email=planwithplutus@gmail.com


The /bydaterange endpoint returns all income objects for the given user between a given date range.

The endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) startDate(ISO date string) -- optional, will default to the year 1753 if left out endDate(ISO date string) -- optional, will default to the year 3000 if left out

Note: If both startDate and endDate are left out, this endpoint will return all of the user's income objects.

Template: /incomes/bydaterange?email=&startDate=&endDate=

Example: /incomes/bydaterange?email=planwithplutus@gmail.com&startDate=2023-11-28&endDate=2023-11-30T00:00:00.000+00:00


The /bytype endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) types (comma-separated list of types)

Template: /incomes/bytype?email=&types=

Example: /incomes/bytype?email=planwithplutus@gmail.com&types=business,vacation


The /bytype_daterage endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) types (comma-separated list of types) startDate(ISO date string) -- optional, will default to the year 1753 if left out endDate(ISO date string) -- optional, will default to the year 3000 if left out

Template: /incomes/bytype_daterange?email=&types=&startDate=&endDate=

Example: /incomes/bytype_daterange?email=planwithplutus@gmail.com&types=business&startDate=2023-11-28


The /bytype_daterange endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) amountLowerBound (number) -- optional, will be set to 0 if not valid amountUpperBound (number) -- optional, will be set to the max value of a Long integer if not valid

Template: /incomes/byamount?email=&amountLowerBound=&amountUpperBound=

Example: /incomes/byamount?email=planwithplutus@gmail.com&amountLowerBound=5&amountUpperBound=100


The /byamount_daterange endpoint expects a GET request with the following parameters:

email (string) amountLowerBound (number) -- optional, will be set to 0 if not valid amountUpperBound (number) -- optional, will be set to the max value of a Long integer if not valid startDate(ISO date string) -- optional, will default to the year 1753 if left out endDate(ISO date string) -- optional, will default to the year 3000 if left out

Template: /incomes/byamount?email=&amountLowerBound=&amountUpperBound=&startDate=&endDate=

Example: /incomes/byamount?email=planwithplutus@gmail.com&amountLowerBound=5&amountUpperBound=30.50&startDate=2023-11-28&endDate=11-30-2023



The /add endpoint is used to add a single income object to the database.

The endpoint expects a POST request with a JSON body with the following attributes:

email (string, required) timeDivision (string, required) maxLimit (number, required) startDate (ISO date string, optional) endDate (ISO date string, optional) currency (string, defaults to usd if not included)

Note: The startDate attribute will default to today's date if it is not specified in the JSON body The endDate attribute will default to the year 3000 if it is not specified in the JSON body.

If successful, returns a JSON body with the following contents:

{ "message": "limit_add_success", "id": }