CTHRU / Hitrava

Convert your Huawei Health sport activities and import them in Strava.
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Hitrava converts health activities registered using a Honor or Huawei activity tracker or smartwatch in the Huawei Health app into a file format that can be directly uploaded to Strava.

Hitrava Web


22-Apr-2024: Hitrava Web just got updated!
Though it is still an alpha release, it is the last step before a fully functional beta version.
The cthru website also got a major update and upgrade and is now always available.
If you prefer on-line conversion in a web app with GUI over a script, you can give it a try on https://cthru.hopto.org.

Table of Contents




To use Hitrava, you need:

Installation Procedure

Step 1 - Install Python

Only required if you don't have a (suitable) python installation on your system.

Step 2 - Download and Extract Hitrava

Step 3 - Download and Extract Stand-alone 7-Zip

NOTE: This step is required to convert encrypted Huawei Health ZIP files.

How to convert your health activities and import them in Strava

All users can use conversion from a ZIP file or a JSON file.
For users with rooted phones, legacy file and tar options are still available.

Windows Users - Encrypted ZIP conversion procedure

NOTE: As of late October 2020, the latest version of the Huawei Health app obliges you to provide a password with which your data in the ZIP file will be encrypted. If you need to convert from an older non-encrypted ZIP file, please refer to the corresponding example.

Activities can be mass converted using the data in a ZIP file that you can request in the Huawei Health app.

The procedure below assumes that you installed Hitrava and are logged in with your Huawei account in the Huawei Health app. If you don't have a Huawei account, you can create one in the app.

Step 1 - Request your data in the Huawei Health app

Before you read any further in this paragraph, there is a complete step-by-step guide with pictures on how to request your Huawei Health data. Head over to the 'How To Convert' article on the cthru website.

Step 2 - Download your requested data

Step 3 - Convert the data with Hitrava

Tip: If you're on Windows, and you're not familiar with the Command Prompt or just want to do a quick conversion with default arguments, you can use the _Run_HitravaDecrypt.cmd batch file.

  • Open the _Run_HitravaDecrypt.cmd file with a text editor and change the password 123456 to the password you provided in step 2 above.
  • double-click the _Run_HitravaDecrypt.cmd file in the installation folder of Hitrava.
    This will convert all available activities in the ZIP file from the previous step.

IMPORTANT: You must replace the password 123456 with the password you provided in step 2 above.

  Hitrava.py --zip HiZip.zip --password 123456 --json_export

The above command will generate both the original HiTrack files and the converted TCX files for ALL activities to the output subfolder of the Hitrava installation folder. In this folder:

Step 4 - Upload your data to Strava

You can now go to the Strava website to import your data.

Other Operating Systems Users (macOS, Linux, UNIX)

Step 1 - Request your data

Follow the same procedure as for Windows users explained above.

Step 2 - Download and extract your data

Step 3 - Convert the JSON file with Hitrava

Step 4 - Upload your data

Follow the same procedure as for Windows users explained above.


Command Line Arguments Overview

usage: Hitrava.py [-h] [-z ZIP] [-p PASSWORD] [-j JSON] [--json_export] [-f FILE]
                  [-s {Walk,Run,Cycle,Swim_Pool,Swim_Open_Water}] [-t TAR]
                  [--from_date FROM_DATE] [--pool_length POOL_LENGTH]
                  [--tcx_insert_altitude_data] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                  [--output_file_prefix OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIX]
                  [--suppress_output_file_sequence] [--validate_xml]
                  [--log_level {INFO,DEBUG}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log_level {INFO,DEBUG}
                        Set the logging level.

JSON options:
  -z ZIP, --zip ZIP     The filename of the Huawei Cloud ZIP file containing
                        the JSON file with the motion path detail data to
                        convert. The JSON file will be extracted to the
                        directory in the --output_dir argument and conversion
                        will be performed.
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        The password of the encrypted Huawei Cloud ZIP file.
                        Required for encrypted ZIP files only.
  -j JSON, --json JSON  The filename of a Huawei Cloud JSON file containing
                        the motion path detail data to convert or the filename
                        of the Huawei Cloud ZIP file containing the JSON file
                        with the motion path detail data (this will work
                        identical to --zip argument above).
  --json_export         Exports a file with the JSON data of each single
                        activity that is converted from the JSON file in the
                        --json argument. The file will be exported to the
                        directory in the --output_dir argument with a .json
                        file extension. The exported file can be reused in the
                        --json argument to e.g. run the conversion again for
                        the JSON activity or for debugging purposes.

FILE options:
  -f FILE, --file FILE  The filename of a single HiTrack file to convert.
  -s {Walk,Run,Cycle,Swim_Pool,Swim_Open_Water}, --sport {Walk,Run,Cycle,Swim_Pool,Swim_Open_Water}
                        Force sport for the conversion. Sport will be auto-
                        detected when this option is not used.

TAR options:
  -t TAR, --tar TAR     The filename of an (unencrypted) tarball with HiTrack
                        files to convert.

DATE options:
  --from_date FROM_DATE
                        Applicable to --json and --tar options only. Only
                        convert HiTrack information from the JSON file or from
                        HiTrack files in the tarball if the activity started
                        on FROM_DATE or later. Format YYYY-MM-DD

SWIM options:
  --pool_length POOL_LENGTH
                        The pool length in meters to use for swimming
                        activities. If the option is not set, the estimated
                        pool length derived from the available speed data in
                        the HiTrack file will be used. Note that the available
                        speed data has a minimum resolution of 1 dm/s.

TCX options:
                        When an activity has altitude information, inserts the
                        last known altitude in every track point of the
                        generated TCX file.
                        In JSON or ZIP mode, when using this option the
                        converted TCX files will use the raw distance data as
                        calculated from the raw HiTrack data. When not
                        specified (default), all distances in the TCX files
                        will be normalized to match the original Huawei

OUTPUT options:
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The path to the directory to store the output files.
                        The default directory is ./output.
                        In single FILE or TAR mode, when using this option the
                        converted TCX files will have the same filename as the
                        original input file (except from the file extension).
  --output_file_prefix OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIX
                        Adds the strftime representation of this argument as a
                        prefix to the generated TCX XML file(s). E.g. use
                        %Y-%m-%d- to add human readable year-month-day
                        information in the name of the generated TCX file.
                        Suppresses the sequence number suffix in the filenames
                        of converted TCX files when converting activities in
                        ZIP or JSON mode.
  --validate_xml        Validate generated TCX XML file(s). NOTE: requires
                        xmlschema library and an internet connection to
                        retrieve the TCX XSD.

Usage Examples

Encrypted ZIP file conversion example

Use the command below to convert all activities available in the encrypted ZIP file with the Huawei Privacy data (here with filename HiZip.zip) that were started on October, 3rd, 2019 or later.
The ZIP file was encrypted with password 123456 provided in the Huawei Health app.
The following files will be generated in folder _./my_outputdir:

 python Hitrava.py --zip HiZip.zip --password 123456 --json_export --from_date 2019-10-03 --output_dir my_output_dir

ZIP file conversion example

Use the command below to convert all activities available in the ZIP file with the Huawei Privacy data (here with filename HiZip.zip) that were started on October, 3rd, 2019 or later. The following files will be generated in folder _./my_outputdir:

 python Hitrava.py --zip HiZip.zip --json_export --from_date 2019-10-03 --output_dir my_output_dir

JSON file conversion example

Use the command below to convert all activities available in the motion path JSON file from the requested Huawei Privacy data that were started on October, 3rd, 2019 or later. Source HiTrack files and converted TCX files will be generated in folder _./my_outputdir/json

 python Hitrava.py --json "motion path detail data.json" --from_date 2019-10-03 --output_dir my_output_dir/json

Same as above, but also create an additional export file for each converted activity containing the raw JSON data of that activity from the motion path JSON file.

python Hitrava.py --json "motion path detail data.json" --json_export --from_date 2019-10-03 --output_dir my_output_dir/json

Single file conversion examples

The example below converts extracted file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912 to HiTrack_12345678901212345678912.tcx in the ./output directory

python Hitrava.py --file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912

The next example converts extracted file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912 to HiTrack12345678901212345678912.tcx in the ./my_outputdir directory. The program logging level is set to display debug messages. The converted file is validated against the TCX XSD schema (requires xmlschema library and an internet connection).

python Hitrava.py --file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912 --output_dir my_output_dir --validate_xml --log_level DEBUG

The following example converts an extracted file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912 to HiTrack12345678901212345678912.tcx in the ./output_ directory and forces the sport to 'walking'.

python Hitrava.py --file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912 --sport Walk

The next example converts an indoor swimming activity in an extracted file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912 to HiTrack_12345678901212345678912.tcx. The length of the pool in meters is specified to have a more accurate swimming data calculation.

python Hitrava.py --file HiTrack_12345678901212345678912 --pool_length 25

Tar file conversion examples

The first example extracts and converts any HiTrack file found in tar file com.huawei.health.tar into the ./output directory. The output directory will contain both the extracted HiTrack file and the converted TCX XML file.

python Hitrava.py --tar com.huawei.health.tar

In the example below, only activities in the com.huawei.health.tar tarball that were started on August 20th, 2019 or later will be extracted and converted to the ./output directory.

python Hitrava.py --tar com.huawei.health.tar --from_date 2019-08-20

Release Notes

For a full changelog of all versions, please look in CHANGELOG.md.

Copyright and License


Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Christoph Vanthuyne

Licensed under the Non-Profit Open Software License version 3.0 from Hitrava version 3.1.1 onward.

Read the full license information here.

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