CTM1 / win_ewf_extract

A Python framework for extracting artifacts from Windows Encase Disk Images
The Unlicense
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This project extracts and parses interesting files and data from a Windows EWF image.


Python dependencies can be installed with using pip::

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need sleuthkit and libtsk19 installed:

Installation manual here

On debian based systems::

# apt-get install sleuthkit libtsk19


You can use the -h flag to get help, here is an example of how you'd use this tool:

$ python3 win_ewf_extractor.py -c config/events.yml -o output -f images/Disk_Image.E01

This would extract Event Logs from the journals defined in the config/events.yml configuration. More configurations are available in config to match your needs.


Documentation is made using [sphynx](), once the requirements are installed, you can generate it with

cd docs/ && make html && python3 -m http.server

Documentation will be disponible in your favorite web browser at https://localhost:8000/

Alternatively, you can read the PDF file named doc.pdf.