Generally available source code for the CUAHSI HydroClient Web Application
A Visual Studio 2013 ASP.NET MVC 'solution' for the CUAHSI HydroClient.
To run the project locally, define the following values in web.config:
Connection Strings:
DefaultConnection - SQL Server connection string to HydroClient Users database
local-DBLog - SQL Server connection string to local logging database
deploy-DBLog - SQL Server connection string to logging database
App Settings 'Key-Value' pairs:
ServiceUrl - HisCentral server v1.0 URL
ServiceUrl1_1_Endpoint - HisCentral server v1.1 URL
BlobStorageViaPrimaryAccessKey - Azure blob storage account name and primary key
BlobStorageViaSecondaryAccessKey - Azure blob storage account name and secondary key
blobContainer - Azure blob storage container name
To run securely under Microsoft Azure, define the same values in the web app instance.