CUB-Libraries-CTA / counter-data-loader

Loads COUNTER database from JR1 report spreadsheets
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Loads COUNTER database from JR1 report spreadsheets


Python Environment Installation

These instructions use the "pip" python package manager.

Unlike the "conda" package manager, the desired python, pip, and setuptools versions must be pre-installed on the local machine.

Using "pip" should be fine, as long as all projects on the local machine can use the same version of python, pip, and setuptools.

    # Install python virtual environment manager, if it doesn't already exist
    pip install virtualenv

    # Change directory to the parent folder for the cloned counter-data-loader repo.
    cd /path/to/counter-data-loader
    cd ..

    # Create a virtual environment 'counter-data-loader` that uses python 3.
    # Note that unlike conda, pip requires that whatever python version you want is already installed locally.
    virtualenv counter-python-env -p `which python3`

    # Activate the python environment
    . ./counter-python-env/bin/activate

    # Install the dependencies needed for counter-data-loader project.
    # NOTE: make sure the "activate" command has been run and you're in the counter-python-env environment.    
    pip install -r counter-data-loader/requirements.txt

    # To exit the python environment, simply type:

NOTE: All python commands related to counter-data-loader must be run from within the python environment.

To uninstall or re-install the environment: