CUC-Acoustics / Auditory-Saliency-Models

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Missing definition for enframe function + NSL toolbox missing from Duangudom Model #1

Closed k4vi closed 6 months ago

k4vi commented 1 year ago

Hi! Line 21 in /Kaya Model/waveform.m uses enframe(out, fram, fram), but it seems this function is not defined in any other file. There are a few different implementations available online (written by different people), but which implementation is being referenced in this case? This one is compatible with the rest of the code, but is it the intended implementation?

Additionally, /Duangudom Model/Duangudom_Saliency.m says that the "NLS toolbox" is provided in the same folder, but I think this should be the "NSL toolbox"? This toolbox is also missing from the folder.

xiongxiansong commented 1 year ago

Hi! Line 21 in /Kaya Model/waveform.m uses enframe(out, fram, fram), but it seems this function is not defined in any other file. There are a few different implementations available online (written by different people), but which implementation is being referenced in this case? This one is compatible with the rest of the code, but is it the intended implementation?

Additionally, /Duangudom Model/Duangudom_Saliency.m says that the "NLS toolbox" is provided in the same folder, but I think this should be the "NSL toolbox"? This toolbox is also missing from the folder.

Sorry, that should be NSL toolbox, The download link of NSL toolbox is as follows:

And the enframe function is in the voice toolbox, The download link is as follows: